a question about an ebay seller


does anybody know anything about the ebay seller cucblack? he's got quite a bit of stuff up for sale and i was wondering if anyone's ever done business with him. thanks, bert
does anybody know anything about the ebay seller cucblack? he's got quite a bit of stuff up for sale and i was wondering if anyone's ever done business with him. thanks, bert

I bought a vader helmet off of him, the delivery took forever and to top it off when it finally showed up it was broken. He said he would send me a new dome but this was months ago. I would go to the cargo hold if I were you.
I've been working with Cucblack over the past week on getting a custom tailored flightsuit and flak vest. He's very good to work with -- responsive and detailed. I also bought his knee armor which looks fantastic in the auction pix. Given production and shipping time from Chile, I won't see the actual products for another week or two, but his eBay feedback is really good. When I get my stuff, I'll update you regarding quality, shipping time, etc. as he does have a lot available (chest armor, gauntlets, etc.). ESB flight suit looked too blue in pix, though, so I went ROTJ with that.
Your better off spending the extra money and getting what you need from someone every one knows and trust. There a lot of "fly by night" places that make prop stuff. Stick with those that are well known.
I don't know the particular seller you mentioned, and not to discourage anyone, but a lot of ebay sellers will be very responsive and polite during the "send me money" phase of the transaction.
After you've paid, it seems like some of the shady ones just drop off the face of the Earth.
It's best to research the seller right here on TDH.
I asked this same question a while back I can't find the thread now but it was here. There were a few people who gave him really good reviews. There were some others though, that said he was associated with some guys who are bad news to this community. I never did order anything from him though. Not because of the bad refs. He just didn't have what I needed listed when I needed it.
I actually bought a vest, it urned out to be nice and custom fitted. My only complaint was the LONG wait for shipping. Something like 3-4 week delievery....
I took a look at his boba auction, he says he doesnt record tracking numbers. If a reputable ebay seller cannot provide me with a tracking number after receiving payment for said item, he will not get my business. That smells of shady business, take money and run. That and his stuff is no where near as accurate as the products you will find here.

Stay local is my 2 cents.
Before discovering TDH, I bought his knee, shoulder, chest armor and a flak vest and flightsuit. I agree with those who have reported long shipping times. He tries really hard to warn buyers in his listings as customs can hold up things from Bolivia to the US. My order took almost one month from ship date to arrival, but he stayed in constant communication and always replied immediately to my e-mails. Items arrived very professionally packaged.

The softgoods are very well made and, from what I can tell, accurately detailed. However, I ordered the ROTJ flightsuit and the color to me is too dark (not blue, but dark). The flak vest is really nice. Both items demonstrate expert tailoring and the fit was very close to exact (although, as with other custom-made flightsuits I've read about, a little short from the crotch to the shoulders). Flak vest is a little snug, but not bad. I didn't want a sloppy, baggy Fett suit anyway. But if you decide to order, you may want to overstate some of your measurements by an inch or two -- better to have it too big and take it in than wind up too small.

I ended up not using the chest armor or the shoulders as, while waiting for my order to arrive, I bought DM's from TDH. Wished I had found that earlier and saved myself the money. The knee armor looked nice, but came with resin darts that I had trouble attaching. The fiberglass was uncoated and peeled apart like paper, so the screws ended up going through the knee dart attachment holes. Guess I should have used washers. Additionally, the knee armor cracked at its narrowest point during this same failed attempt to attach the knee darts. Paintjob was nice looking, but the yellow had a bit too much green in it so those of you who are particular about accurate color may not be happy.

All in all, I'd say he puts together a decent Fett suit for your average person (Halloween costume). But, for die-hard accuracy folks (like those here), you may find yourself quickly replacing your purchases for more accurate items from the various masters on TDH who excel at certain pieces.
Well guys, against my better judgement maybe, I ordered a flack vest with him this week.

So far I'm happy with the comms, and he has informed me that the vest will take about 4 working days to complete, then I'm looking at about a month maybe for shipping!

Can't really complain, as I'm waiting till probly mid-September for my bucket and I'm still on the way to a clearable Fett. I'll let you guys know when I have something to report!!!
I ordered a flak vest from this guy on August 2nd and it came in today. The measurements he asks for are not standard, so make sure you are measuring correctly (i.e. neck to shoulder and shoulder to shoulder across the back measurements). The vest looks great and appears to be well made. However, I am no expert. My only piece of advice is to add a little play in your measurements. Mine is a little snug, but should work. Also, the color is more of a beige than white.
Second that!!!

My vest's a bit snug,but I'm really happy with it!!
So much so that I've bought an ammo belt and cape from him.

Still awaiting delivery, so watch this space!!!
I've ordered from him with no problems but he does take forever to ship your items. All and all he's trustworthy but he takes forever to ship what you need so if you have no time limit then order from him but if your in a rush then stick to the services here.
I bought his custom flak vest and it is awesome. not 100% movie accurate but then again, who's is??? if you can wait the 4-5 weeks to get it then I highly recommend his stuff. he is a good guy and will work with you towards your custom Fett.

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