New Hunter
Hey guys here at TDH. I am new to TDH an was wondering if any of you guys knew of some supplies and directions for a helmet under 80 smackeroos or lower. And the trashcan armor... genius.
You don't really wear a scratchbuilt helmet... you mold it and then cast it, which that alone would cost more than $80.I disagree. If you've got more time and creativity than you do money, you can always build a helmet from scratch out of chipboard (aka posterboard) or "For Sale" signs about $8 each. I picked up some scrap sintra at a sign company for free. You don't have to drop $$$$$$$ to create a good costume unless you want to get into the 501st or KOTE.
Check out these links for ideas and see what other people have done on a shoestring budget. Also use the advanced search on this forum and search for threads by the following users: "SD68" "honus" and "chewiepal" plus "Kripps"
also check out
and search for a thread by Honus there. He has two about Boba Fett. Use Wizardofflight's templates from the TDH.
Good luck and be resourceful. Please post progress pix and be persistent. This takes time.
Well I am sure most people would feel comfortable with something that is solid, and cannot bend too easy, I am not saying that your helmet sucks, I am saying, that cardboard doesnt take wear, and would need some reinforcement.Bondo is pretty much the main brand of Auto Body Filler.
You can get it at any retailer who sells automotive supplies. Walmart, Canadian tire (if you have one around of course), etc.
GCNGamer - Why do you have to mold/cast a scratchbuilt? I made one myself out of cardboard (the stuff you find on the back of pads of paper) and it turned out fantastic as is. Total cost = $15 (give or take a few bucks)
You don't really wear a scratchbuilt helmet... you mold it and then cast it, which that alone would cost more than $80.
If you did build one, and it was quality, Would you really trust a bunch of glued on plastic? Espcially on your head, think about that one.
How do you mold and then cast? And out of what? Sounds tricky!?
Nope. If you want, you can, but I didn't.
Yes, I would trust it. Just as much as a fiberglass helmet. Have you tried scratchbuilding a helmet? Have you worn a scratchbuilt helmet a number of times? If not, don't discourage someone by saying that. It all depends on how you make it. Mine is 'a bunch of glued on plastic', and it's held together just fine. I've dropped it a few times, from chest hight, and it's held together.
This is not what TDH is about. You shouldn't discourage people, especially if you don't have hands on knowledge (in this case, having built a helmet from plastic, and wearing it a number of times, thus proving its durability.)
TheFatalHaze, if you want to scratchbuild a helmet, do it! It's great fun, and after it's all done, you'll have a helmet that YOU built, and it will mean more to you. Trust me, you'd be surprised how many people have asked me "Hey, is that a fiberglass helmet? Who made it?" and I tell them I made it and show them the inside, and they are absolutely amazed. It really makes me proud.