7602 armor updates


Sr Hunter
I thought I had posted this last night, but I must not have, since it's not here.

Back in February I ordered a steel backplate to go with the rest of my metal armor. I got it a couple of weeks ago, and last night I painted it up.

The collar and backplate really aren't the most interesting subjects paint-wise. The armor needed some trimming, which was fun:


mmm, angle grinder...

Once I got the edges trimmed down, I sanded off the primer.


It looks all bumpy and strange, but that's just the pattern from the sanding. The metal is very smooth.

I masked off the silver area with the trusty latex, then sprayed the yellow:


I cheaped out with the yellow, and only painted the parts of the backplate around the damage. I didn't feel like covering the whole thing just to coat most of it in green.

After about 15 minutes I masked the yellow areas and sprayed on the green.

15 minutes after that I peeled back the latex, and this is what I got...


I don't really like the yellow, but it's the same yellow I used on the rest of the armor. I want to repaint it all, but I've got enough trooping planned between now and thanksgiving that there's just no time for that.

So, I painted the new stuff so that it would match the old, and will redo all of it at once later on.

I still have to add some fine scratches, mist it with black, blackwash it, etc... but that was a pretty decent night's work!
Great looking armor Brian. :thumbsup:

tk7602 said:
Back in February I ordered a steel backplate to go with the rest of my metal armor. I got it a couple of weeks ago, and last night I painted it up.

Steel? Why not aluminum like the rest of your DS armor?

tk7602 said:
Once I got the edges trimmed down, I sanded off the primer.

Why did the maker prime steel armor?
Looks great ... nice job paintin' and trimmin'.:cheers

After about 15 minutes I masked the yellow areas and sprayed on the green.

15 minutes after that I peeled back the latex, and this is what I got...

It only took 15 minutes for the paint to dry to the point where ya could start masking things off? I thought paint took longer to dry than just 15 minutes. What kinda paint were ya usin'?
Steel? Why not aluminum like the rest of your DS armor?

he said that getting the jet pack harness strap area to work right in aluminum is very difficult. steel fares better with the shaping / welding required to make it work.

Why did the maker prime steel armor?

the only thing i can think of is to prevent rusting. the inside of the armor was pretty rusty by the time i got it. so, i painted the inside green too :)
It only took 15 minutes for the paint to dry to the point where ya could start masking things off? I thought paint took longer to dry than just 15 minutes. What kinda paint were ya usin'?

technically paint does take longer than that... i start working on it the moment i can touch it without paint coming up on my fingers. at that point it's soft enough that you can easily scratch it off with your finger nail. but if you're really gentle, you can make it work.

speed painting is fun :)
OK. I can buy that a little, but it can be done. ;)


wow, that looks great! metal work is totally beyond me at this point... i bought the grinder just to shave down the metal a bit.

the whole backplate had a roughly 1/8th lip around the edge where the metal was folded over to give it the appearance of thickness. it looked nice, but wasn't very comfortable, so i shaved that down to about 1/16th.

i'm thinking that i'll make it so that 2 of the bolts are functional, the ones on the outside edges. the other 2 studs will just be glued to the armor. that will at least slightly reduce the time to put it on / amount of things i need help with.

i'll line the inside of the collar with industrial velcro so that it stays where i want it to stay, and that should do it.
I've checked out every progress thread that Brian has done.

That man is a rattle can master! :thumbsup:

I don't know how he does it, but he does! :thumbsup:

technically paint does take longer than that... i start working on it the moment i can touch it without paint coming up on my fingers. at that point it's soft enough that you can easily scratch it off with your finger nail. but if you're really gentle, you can make it work.

speed painting is fun :)

I remember your :jet pack thread. One day you've got a raw jet pack, and just a day or so later, it's completely painted! Unbelieveable!:thumbsup::thumbsup:

So 7602... going to make that jet pack fly anytime soon? :)

A :jet pack flies like a rocket, not an airplane, so I can say this because it's true for almost all rockets that can lift something off the ground: the great majority of the weight will be the fuel and oxidizer.
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