The Phoenix
New Hunter
I live in Spain (so excuse me for my poor english) and I´m searching for a good Boba Fett´s helmet. I don´t want to spend too much money but I don´t want to make a bad purchase neither. I prefer pay a little more and be satisfied, so I need some orientation.
Here I can find easily in the shops the Rubies version, but like I have read (and see) this helmet is very ugly, has a bad quality and it´s difficult to correct his bad shape. Also the price is a little high here (about 97$)
Most people recommend Don Post helmet (1995 or 1996 version), but I have a doubt: I have seen helmets in blue boxes (Rubie´s collectors Edition, I think), and others in black boxes, collector´s edition too (see the pic). Are this Don Post? What year, 1996 or 1997? (in the pic they seems like Rubie´s version)
Another question: this helmets needs to be reforced to maintain his shape correctly. Fiberglass them seems a difficult operation, so I would know if it´s possible to reforce them using metal plaques, that correct the shape of the helmet and the deformities of the bottom sides of the face that I have seen in most helmets?
Also I have seen the Skygunbros fiberglass helmets, about 200$. Are them good enough or this price is too expensive to their quality?
Any other recommendation?
Thank you very much,
Regards from Spain.
I live in Spain (so excuse me for my poor english) and I´m searching for a good Boba Fett´s helmet. I don´t want to spend too much money but I don´t want to make a bad purchase neither. I prefer pay a little more and be satisfied, so I need some orientation.
Here I can find easily in the shops the Rubies version, but like I have read (and see) this helmet is very ugly, has a bad quality and it´s difficult to correct his bad shape. Also the price is a little high here (about 97$)
Most people recommend Don Post helmet (1995 or 1996 version), but I have a doubt: I have seen helmets in blue boxes (Rubie´s collectors Edition, I think), and others in black boxes, collector´s edition too (see the pic). Are this Don Post? What year, 1996 or 1997? (in the pic they seems like Rubie´s version)
Another question: this helmets needs to be reforced to maintain his shape correctly. Fiberglass them seems a difficult operation, so I would know if it´s possible to reforce them using metal plaques, that correct the shape of the helmet and the deformities of the bottom sides of the face that I have seen in most helmets?
Also I have seen the Skygunbros fiberglass helmets, about 200$. Are them good enough or this price is too expensive to their quality?
Any other recommendation?
Thank you very much,
Regards from Spain.