General Boba Fett Love


Jr Hunter
Just curious why do we all love Boba Fett? Let's be honest he didn't do much yet we defend him by saying he was the only bounty hunter of them all to track down Solo. Yet in the end he got hit by a stick and his jet pack sent him flying into the sarlaac. So why do you all praise him, I know I do because he just looks so damn badass and the voice/demeanor was so menacing and confident. He stood up to Vader with no fear and I think we all made up stuff in our heads of what we thought he did and was capable of. I just hope Disney gives us a Fett movie that makes all our dreams a reality

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Because the suit. I honestly love the fetts because of boba's quiet lethalness. He is dangerous yet cunning. Smart and powerful. He didn't HAVE to have many lines to get his point across. He was one of the most curious characters to me spiking my curiousness in him. Jangos backstitch really brought my love for the Fetts up as well.

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Because the suit. I honestly love the fetts because of boba's quiet lethalness. He is dangerous yet cunning. Smart and powerful. He didn't HAVE to have many lines to get his point across. He was one of the most curious characters to me spiking my curiousness in him. Jangos backstitch really brought my love for the Fetts up as well.

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Backstitch? And I agree

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Oh yeah, and your point of the suit is dead on. I mean just the entirety of it is so awesome!!! Nothing really speaks as much as that armor in any movie I've ever seen. He could've said nothing and you would've thought oh ****** he's the real deal

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Well ive imagined quite a bit of bobas demeener on my own making for some of my love for him and yes the fact that he spoke to vader like he was no less than him made him seem not to be messed woth and i think its pretty cool that boba fett is in a sense the last "real storm trooper" seeing as how hes the lastcclone and also the fact that he did some learning from jango fett himself aka his dad aka theboriginal stormtrooper/clone trooper if you think deeply about it the fetts are some of the most essential charecters to the series maybe jango a bit more so than boba but we all of course respect that boba was who we met first
Some of the mystique for me came from the mail away figure in 1978 and the tease in the horrible holiday special. The character in ESB is a bad ass. Has a cool voice and moves like he means business. I attempted a Fett helmet in the early eighties. It wasn't until 1993 that I built a suit using Topp's SW cards and old magazines for reference. I originally wanted to build a strormtrooper, but felt making all those white pieces would get boring. Fett's constume tells a great story, with all the damage, and it allows a builder to work with every material imaginable.
Some of the mystique for me came from the mail away figure in 1978 and the tease in the horrible holiday special. The character in ESB is a bad ass. Has a cool voice and moves like he means business. I attempted a Fett helmet in the early eighties. It wasn't until 1993 that I built a suit using Topp's SW cards and old magazines for reference. I originally wanted to build a strormtrooper, but felt making all those white pieces would get boring. Fett's constume tells a great story, with all the damage, and it allows a builder to work with every material imaginable.

I think you are on the money with the build up and promo before ESB. It is hard for younger people to understand how different the movie releases were back in the late 70s early 80s. There is nothing comparable in the last 30 years. Boba Fett was part of that mystique. He also stood up to Vader and there was an obvious backstory from their interaction on screen but you have no idea what it is. He is an imposing character from the first moment he hits the screen.
For me, I got into Westerns the same time as Star Wars and didn't take long for me to put two and two together and realize Boba Fett = Clint Eastwood. Clint is a bad ass and although screen time was short one could assume Boba was just as bad ass off screen.
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