Rogue One Trailer!

Wow. That looks awesome so far. The Mon Mothma looks spot on and Ben Mendelsohn's character looks very Thrawn-esque (other than the blue of course).

So far I'm totally stoked for this!
Looks like a lot of new stromtrooper designs - tank driver, shadow trooper, something else ... I wasn't crazy about the Force Awakens, so hopefully they'll do better with this.
The only thing I have a problem with is the garbage dialogue we've been shown so far. "I'm a rebel, so I rebel." Really? "YES. SUH." Just absolutely terrible.

Everything else looks great and I'm excited to see the actual trailer and film.
For me, one of the weaker points of episode 7 was the empire / "bad guys" in general. They didn't have the same imperialistic believability that the original's had(It's hard to put my feelings into words for this, maybe someone who is more eloquent feels the same way?). It's hard to say if that's due to episode 7's costume design, or just the script (storm troopers backpedaling away from kylo ren's tantrum).

Anyways, here's hoping this new one has awesome bad guys again!
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i love this suit!



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Don't get me wrong, I liked TFA....but it just felt like ANH again with new (and old) characters. So this is such a relief to have a new story in line with the original trilogy.

And there's AT-AT's!! And R5 droids, and power droids, and AT-AT's, and OT TK's, and AT-AT's lol : D
This looks awesome. The only thing is that it looks like it might not have the feel of a Star Wars movie. Kind like the prequels didn't quite have that feel.
I'm excited. I like prequel stuff, see what they can make up to make sense. Or like what else was going on while Luke was scoring some new power converters. All fun and adventure!
Looks better than the TFA already so pleased there are none of the main characters in this possibly with the exception of Darth of course.
I´m also excited... I saw the trailer several times in english and already in german, and each time it felt like REAL STAR WARS. I even had some tears in my eyes. ;) It felt like back at those days, when I was a child and watching STAR WARS the first time in cinema. (Yes I´m that old. ;) ) I can´t wait to see it in cinema. AND there will be Boba Fett, because I´ll where my costume to the premiere. :)
The only thing I have a problem with is the garbage dialogue we've been shown so far. "I'm a rebel, so I rebel." Really? "YES. SUH." Just absolutely terrible.

Everything else looks great and I'm excited to see the actual trailer and film.

Even Mon Mothma had to hang her head when she heard that awful line.
eh..i didnt think that line was so bad. Plus we all should know by now that the dialouge and what we are seeing, and how they are related is never how it is in the film. its all chopped up... they do that in EVERY trailer.

Also we all get so hell bent on "bad dialogue" as we are placing it in todays standards, but if we had dialogue like todays standards then everyone would complain that it wasn't "Star Wars" enough. i think we should all just wait till it comes out before we start passing such major judgement on it.

I liked TFA, it wasnt near what i was hoping for, but i enjoyed it. there were certain parts of it i liked alot, over all it was just, "pretty good" to me. THIS however looks much better. Mainly because it is in the only timeline i really care about.....after ROTS and before ROTJ. Using this timeline they can create new stores with familiar characters and even "bring them back" (ehem FETT ehem), and i think THATS what all of us adults want to see. That said they will also pay attention to the new folks getting into Star Wars.

I said this with TFA and i'll say it again, as good as this looks so far....

NOTHING will ever be the same as the original trilogy, for any of us. the times were different , we were different, we had our adolescence, we cant think that any of these new movies will bring back some feeling of when we were 6, or 12 and we saw the first StarWars..during a time that NOTHING was like it. It will never happen again.

i for one, will take each movie for what it is, i will like it, or i will not...the OT will always be there for me to watch to get all nostalgic over.
Aside from letting us know that there are a plethora of stormtroopers I feel like trailer raised more questions than answers. I guess it did what it was designed to do. :lol:
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