Workout review


Well-Known Hunter
I don't normally post off topic things but I thought I would give a review of a workout I am about to finish. T25....I pretend the T is for the T-visor.

First some back ground: I did a round of P90X about 5 years ago and got great results, but the workouts were a bit too long for a husband and father of 3. I really liked the simple aspect of P90X of just doing good workouts each day.

I did a round of Insanity earlier this year but did not finish due to a back injury. I liked Insanity also but again the length of the workouts became a bit of a problem. In the second phase of Insanity the workouts stretch out to about 50 to 60 minutes

So about 12 weeks ago I saw a commercial for T25. Basically it is done by the same guy who does Insanity and it is a cardio driven/plyo/resistance style workout. I decided to try it out. I am now in week 9 of 10 so I have made up my mind on the program.

I really have like this workout. Each workout is 25 minutes long with no real warm-up there is about a 3 minute cool down after each day so your total time is about 30 minutes. I have been able to stay with the program and fit in the workouts each day. The workouts are well done and easy to follow. It does require a bit of coordination but that will build with the program. The program is split into Alpha and Beta phases with the moves getting more difficult in Beta. There is also a Gamma workout that you can buy additionally but I haven't done that yet.

So if you are looking for a decent workout I would recommend this. PLUS the T on the back wall reminds me that I need to be in shape to properly troop Jango.

And just for some personal data. I am about 5-10, I started at about 196 and close to 20% body fat. Today I am at 188 with 13.9% body fat.
Also for full disclosure, I still did about 3 gym workouts per week for additional resistance training.

Anyways, just thought I would throw this out there for the community in case anyone else is looking for a workout and would like a review from a unpaid user of the product.
I too did P90x and insanity and found them to be too time consuming for a husband, father of 2 and working swing shifts. I started doing the tapout system and it works pretty well. with the cold weather, my knee started bothering me so I've had to lay off, but I liked the 30-40 min workouts. not a lot of jumping around and it's not too hard on the joints. where did you get the T25 workout and how much was it?
I bought it straight off the Beachbody website. I had borrowed and copied both P90X and Insanity so I had never paid them a penny and I figured they deserved a bit of money for their work. I think it ran $120 for the whole kit that comes with T25.

I work night shifts too, so time is tough to come by. I really have felt the length on these works well for me.

And as far as the jumping around and such, it is nothing like plyo day in P90X but it does use a lot of movement. Shaun T evidently found burpees recently so he uses them quite a bit in this. And in Beta round you do one leg burpees, which were easier than I thought they would be.
I was doing crossfit before crossfit was many years ago I got the strangest looks from people when I did the workouts. I remember doing a round of "Cindy" and people thought I was nuts. Then they tried it and couldn't move two days after.

I like crossfit a lot and agree it is great for my job, when I am doing my normal nonprogram workouts I incorporate a lot if crossfit into it.
P90x is fun but brutal too. I have rounded my routine down to a pretty healthy diet, a 20 minute jog nightly and twice a week I will hit the gym for some weights. but I am a smoker still trying to quit so I dont get to push myself as much as I would like. I just dont have the lung capacity.
Need to add some cardio to my weight routine.

Keeping three gym days in my week has helped me a lot. I have a co-worker that works out with me and we push each other well. We hit medium heavy weight with a lot of abs, like knees to elbows, in between sets. The T25 really takes care of my cardio and I have found myself getting much stronger. I am probably in the best shape I have been in since I was 35. I am 40 now btw.
Thanks for the review Chris! I've been doing Insanity and my only complaint is that at times the workouts are a bit long when my schedule is packed. Which is a reason why I haven't given P90x a try. I'll definitely check this out though. I need to get hardcore in my workouts already.
That was my main complaint about Insanity, the time is just too much most days. I really like the workouts.

T25 is very much Insanity like but there are no breaks no warm-up and it just goes. It is fairly nonstop for the 25 minute workout with only some slower moves to break up the cardio.
Thanks for the review.........

I've done the p90x workout as well......

A long time ago I weighed of this morning I weigh 225......

I'm fortunate that the city I work for provides a free gym membership......... But I have been looking for something I can use on weekends and to supplement what I do now.... Which is about 5 days/week...........

It's been a total reboot for my Boba, and me....
The city I work for pays for us to have a gym membership too. That helps me a lot to get my resistance work done. We get a one hour break during our 12 hour shift so we usually get in about a 50 minute gym workout. That with the T25 has been a nice balance. And then if I miss the gym because of workload I don't feel like a total failure for missing the whole day of workouts.

Weight loss was so easy for me in my 20s and early 30s.....the late 30s and now 40 has made it tougher to drop pounds. But this balance has seemed to be working for me. I hope to make it down to about 12% body fat which I think will have me down to about 175-180.
anyone ever looked into the harder version of Insanity called Asylum? it's like insanity but way harder and the program is only 30 days...and I believe shorter workouts. from what I've seen it's like you just go Tasmanian devil mode and freak out jumping everywhere and doing pushups and whatever...not really but you get the idea. it's like straight cardio with plyo and strength training all at the same time. I do a lean gains style diet where I have reduced calories for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours and workout as normal. just drink a BCAA 15mins before a workout and then get to it. works for me with my schedule especially since working out daily isn't always available.
Hye Mullreel,

Thanks for the great review. How much strain does it put on your shoulders? Mine has never recovered from an injury/ bad surgery and everything I try (outside of water rowing) eventually breaks down because of aggrivating that old wound. I have P90X and Tapout XT still practically new in the box...
The shoulder stress is not bad. The roughest thing on the shoulders is the plank work and burpees. The shoulder based resistance moves are dumbell presses and Arnold presses, but you can adjust the weight to suit your needs. I have been working out with 10 lb dumbells since this is not my main resistance training, but even the 10 lbs get to you by the end of the moves.

My right shoulder bothers me at times but this has not aggravated it at all.
I'm looking to start a workout of some sort. I don't need to lose weight whatsoever, but I would like to get in shape. I had a kidney transplant in July after 3 grueling years of dialysis and I'm fully recovered from surgery now. I'm looking for a workout but I probably need something I can build up to, instead of starting at full blast right away since I haven't been able to do much of anything for a long time. Any suggestions?
Well the T25 does have a modified lower impact person throughout the program. Basically she does similar moves but without the jump or going all the way to the ground. I don't know if that would fit your needs. This has plenty of cardio and resistance in it, and weight loss has not been a huge part really because my overall weight has only dropped about 10 lbs but my fitness and strength has increased quite a bit.
Started the Gamma phase today which is a 4 week phase 3. The first workout was Speed 3.0 and it was tough. It is basically high impact cardio with a ton of burpees and hops. The toughest part is focusing while there is no oxygen in your brain.

I will give an update on my body fat and weight on Tuesday or so when I get it measured. Feeling pretty good still. Enjoying the program.
Three Gamma phase workouts done so far this week, these are a step up for sure. The Extreme circuit I did today was great. I had worked Chest on Sunday night and Back last night, so I was already a bit spent. During this workout you barely ever put the weights down except to do burpees.

Good day.
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