Jetpack Access Door attachment? (MOW)


Active Hunter
Not sure if the other packs are like this but I assume they're close. The pack has a lip for the access door to sit on but I am trying to figure out a way to attach it. It's semi-snug just popping it in place on the lip but not snug enough that I would trust it not to fall out when I'm wearing it. How have you guys secured your jp access/hatch doors?
Just used velcro myself -- secure enough and since it sits against the backplate no one is the wiser.

But then, I'm all about the KISS principal when it comes to the hidden aspects of the costume. :)
What's the KISS principle?

You know.....Gene, Paul, Ace and Peter with makeup. Rock and Roll all night, an party Ev-ery day.....


K-eep I-t S-imple S-tupid
I thought about lining the lip with velcro but I thought it would make the door stick out too much from the pack. But I guess it shouldn't be enough to be uncomfortable.
I was wondering how others did this too. Currently I don't even have my door attached at all. (No one can see it anyway). I was thinking that the velcro would make it stick out too far and it wouldn't be flush any more.
I was thinking that the velcro would make it stick out too far and it wouldn't be flush any more.

I thought the same thing. I'm currently working on my MOW pack and I think I may just drill a few tiny pilot holes and use very small screws to fasten the plate down. I don't plan on opening it up alot so I think it will be OK.
I was wondering how others did this too. Currently I don't even have my door attached at all. (No one can see it anyway). I was thinking that the velcro would make it stick out too far and it wouldn't be flush any more.

Like you said, no one can see it anyway...
I'll be opening the door for every troop to turn on my beacon. I'm still wondering if I can get creative with some hinges. I'm thinking of some curved hinges I know I've seen before but I can't think of the name or find a picture. Kind of like the old semicircular hinges (?) for car hoods.

Also thought of gluing two little pieces of plastic to the inside of the JP extending into the opening with magnets on the ends. Then glue a sheet of metal to the inside of the hatch door so the magnets (red dots in pic) would hold it in place and it would still sit flush with the back of the pack.

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Might work. I actually put a switch on my beacon wire and will run it somewhere on the pack. Haven't decided where would be the most out of site, probably the bottom edge somewhere.
I thought about that but I don't want to drill into that thing after all the work I put into it haha. Did the original have switches on the bottom or just the XLR type plug?
I am sure it was just the XLR plug. You know, One take with the beacon on and the rest with it off or add it later in the special effects!!!!
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