does anybdy want me in their group?

shade 99

Hey everyone my name is Brody Trollope im the bounty hunter Boba Fett. And i was wondering if anybody will look at my costume and tell me if anyone wants me in their group ive been trying to troop with badlands for a while now but i just cant meet the requirment no matter how ahrd i try. I personly think mines pretty on the ball and kinda cool but mabe im being to stubern. But i want anyone to tell me if anybody wants me in their group or knows of anyone that would want me on a group. Ive been craiving trooping ever since i wasnt aud to go to the badlands events anymore because i wasnt an offical member. Please someone please reply im so desprat for some trooping its like im missing an arm here. Thanks alot guys hope to here from u.
definitely post pics. the 501st has fairly strict rules, so if they aren't approving the suit, there's gotta be a reason. it's not a matter of wanting someone in the group or not, it's a matter of meeting the guidelines.
Thanks for that tk7602. Brody has submitted his pictures, and I sent an email back stating what needed to be fixed, and I haven't heard back.
It's not at all about not wanting you to troop, dude. I'd love to see another Fett coming to Badlands events. But like Brian pointed out, the bar is set quite high, especially for Boba Fett. Just work on making the changes that Darcy has pointed out to you in his email. He really knows what he's talking about when it comes to Boba. If you still need some help, search the threads here at TDH to find the answers, or post some pics and ask for advice on what needs to be changed.
Well, your pics are kinda dark and hard to see, but I think your suit looks pretty good from what I can see. I would need better pics to make a better judgement. I didn't see a jet pack. You would definantly need that and any other parts you may be missing to be considered for the 501st. Post us some better pics, we would be glad to help give you the direction you need.
I would say it probably has a great deal to do with the jet pack. It is a key piece. The gauntlets may be a issue, possibly. My garrison let me troop with them in armor that was way bad. Yours looks pretty decent.
As Michigan's GML:

To name a few of the issues:

Inaccurate helmet paint job
No girth belt (that I can see in the pic thread)
No darts on the knee armor
Inaccurate gloves
Inaccurate gauntlets
No Jet Pack(?)
It's a start. From those pics, I can spot a number of things to change before it would be 501st acceptable.

-Get a jet pack
-Adjust the spacing between the collar and chest plates.
-Add Fett clan and Mandalore crests
-Get a girth belt
-The Gauntlets don't look canon. You might get away with just adding the proper greeblies, but they may need to be completely replaced.
-Replace the knees with more accurate ones. Be sure to have knee darts.

There may be more, but those look like the biggest issues to me. You do have a lot of work to do, but it's definitely not an unattainable goal. I see no reason why you can't get the work done and be trooping some time this year. Just don't settle. Keep improving.
Here are the pictures that were sent to me...




Here are the pictures that were sent to me...

I would not have approved it either. Sorry, but that is the way it is. :facepalm

501st standards are "Movie quality" as in it looked like you and your costume walked off the movie screen. "Pretty decent" as noted above are not the standards.

This costume needs a lot of work. See the notes above.

I think people forget that Boba Fett is a high profile character and a difficult costume to do.
Great suit...but i think you have a lot of work to get it up to par!:facepalm

Your picture thread reminds me of going thru my Brak's Ref Cd V.1
and looking at all the old members.

Your suit may have looked passable 8-10 yrs ago but now w/ all the info and GREAT Ref pics, it need some TLC.

Boba Fett is known as a VERY hard costume to replicate for a reason.

I'm not here to knock you, but just cause you have a suit and its all painted up doesn't mean your in! take your time, I say start with the helmet...sand it all and repaint, and if you don't feel you can paint that well have someone else do it for you...alot of ppl do it!

save some cash then upgrade to buy all you need, at one time, I waited 10yrs to get the suit... And i'm glad I did, all the parts now are almost spot on and I'm happy! so just keep on working.

you seem to have the passion to be a fett so put all that pasion into getting it up to par!

What i see needs work:

suit details eg: knee darts, gaunt darts, decals.
Blaster flash tube is too short.
Gloves TOTALY wrong, cutting off fingers and wearing two gloves is not cannon!
Jet Pack

plus the pics you sent you have your cape on the wrong side,


Thanks for the opinions guys i realy appreciate it. and ill take more pics i have done more work since those pics were displayed. and ill keep on making it better and keep u guys posted thanks for your input everyone.=)
Also the cape is on the wrong side and you need some wookiee braids on your right shoulder.

It's a decent start, but you do have a ways to go. I admire anyone who is willing to take on the task of putting together a Boba suit - it's not easy.

Keep it up, and don't get discouraged. There are many talented members here who are willing to help -- just ask. ;)
Believe me...we all started somewhere, to be technical, I am on my 4th version. When I do upgrades, I consider them versions...

Version 1: No where near cannon. Rubies helm, aluminum, non battledamageds chest pieces, shoulders, knees and cod. Just plates for gauntlets.

Yes, it is that bad that I don't wanna directly show the pic.

Version 2: A bit better, but not as good looking

Same as above.

Version 3: Movie quality, with some corners cut

Version 4: Current...marvelous! (forgive the fact the boot spikes arent there, fell off last event and repaired them after the pic)
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