How do you handle your suit getting damaged by a spectator?


Active Hunter
Hiya folks. I was wondering, for my own future reference, how I should handle a situation like this it if ever arises again. Also, was wondering if any of you have had similar things happen, and was wondering how you felt the best way to deal with it is, or what transpired.

As mentioned in my cargo hold post yesterday (thanks guys, ,for the quick responses!) my suit got damaged yesterday during a quasi-troop.
Both of my kids are special needs, and on Friday's they both have 'group therapy' at the offices that provide their behavioral therapy (daughter has autism, son has Downs). There were 15 kids there, plus their therapists yesterday. The goal for yesterday was to let them all have a little halloween costume party, as well as getting them ready for "how" to trick or treat. The therapists were each leading their clients around the office building, where various staff were set up behind decorated doors, with candy. The kids had to go up to the doors, knock, and the staff wouldn't open the doors until the kids would say (to the best of their ability) "trick or treat". give'em candy, move to the next door, rinse and repeat.

They asked me if I'd suit up and help out, so of cooooourse I said yes.

At one point however, there was a very energetic kids (on the autism spectrum) who has a tendency to lash out at people. He made his way behind me at one point, kicked me in the back of the leg, and started pounding on my chest armor (thank God it's Beskar). I was asking him to please stop, and his mom was right there with him, trying to verbally make him stop, though she didn't PHYSICALLY try to make him stop, she was just asking him "please stop kicking the man".

He reached down and grabbed my knee darts and started yanking on them hard, cracking my knee armor (I can fix it), then he got carted away.
Later in the evening, he actually snuck up behind me, grabbed the white strap that is attached to the top of my jetpack, and pulled down HARD, pulling me backwards (almost fell) and he actually broke my backplate and collar armor before they got him away from me.

Found a great guy in the cargo hold that's going to help me replace the 2 broken pieces, so ultimately it's not a big deal.

I didn't go off on the kid (he's special needs, and it'd' be bad form anyways) and I didnt' go off on his mother (again, that would have looked really chitty of me). I ultimately just stayed quit about it. The therapy place was extremely sorry. I've known all of the workers for years (see my 2 kids getting treatment there), so Im not going to bring it up to them. However.... that one kid SERIOUSLY jacked up my suit. Cracked knee armor with a knee dart torn off, cracked collar armor and a broken back plate. It's the price we pay for doing what we love I guess. But it left me wondering.... what would be advisable for precautions I should take for future troops, or any advice you guys might give to OTHERS who haven't had to deal with something like this yet.

The only times I've EVER had problems, were from kids, on 2 occasions.
Helping out at the Harvest festival at my daughter's school 1 year at their star wars booth. 2 junior high kids kept running up and punching my jetpack and running off into the crowd as I'd turn around. When I'd turn around, another one of their group would run up from behind and smack my jetpack. When I'd turn around, another kid would run up from the crowd and hit me, rinse and repeat.

I was telling the other guys at the booth what was happening, and I needed help to keep the kids off of me, but they were too busy to stop it.
The 2nd time was last night. Other than that, nothing but positive experiences from helping out at events and stuff.

Does anyone have similar experiences, or any advice for how things like this should be handled?
I know it would obviously be different if you were surrounded by fellow 501st members, but if you aren't part of a larger group, its' difficult.
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I am a 501st member and we have a rule that you can not troop alone. Ideally the second person is a handler but not required.

Some situations are just too much to take though.
I recently did a troop for 190 special needs kids. We were all mingling in the dinner hall and getting photos when the event organizer handed out inflatable light sabers to all of the kids. Yes, they were inflatable, but when you have 30+ kids attacking you all at the same time there isn't much you can do except leave. I had to escape 3 times before I called it. I know it isn't their fault. These are special needs children, but they were ruthless. I was being hit from every angle. They were trying to put the lightsaber under my helmet and poking me in the back of the knees among other areas. I managed to get out before they did any damage to my costume.
I am a 501st member and we have a rule that you can not troop alone. Ideally the second person is a handler but not required.

Some situations are just too much to take though.
I recently did a troop for 190 special needs kids. We were all mingling in the dinner hall and getting photos when the event organizer handed out inflatable light sabers to all of the kids. Yes, they were inflatable, but when you have 30+ kids attacking you all at the same time there isn't much you can do except leave. I had to escape 3 times before I called it. I know it isn't their fault. These are special needs children, but they were ruthless. I was being hit from every angle. They were trying to put the lightsaber under my helmet and poking me in the back of the knees among other areas. I managed to get out before they did any damage to my costume.
Wow. I cannot even imagine that. I can see where the ogranizer would think it'd be a cute thing to give everyone... but just, wow.
It's bad enough when you think about a group of 10-15 kids trying to beat up on chuck e cheese... I can't even imagine dozens and dozens of kids all whacking you with inflatable bats at the same time.
As a 501st member I've cracked my collar plate, cracked jetpack, broke knee armor, ripped my flight suit, and broke my toe spikes...if your trooping in your kit even with a handler drunk people, special needs, and just plain accidents will happen. Don't let it bum you out because unless your building your kit to sit on a mannequin then things will break. If you troop in it like me the kit isn't for you it's for all those smiling faces, to give them that moment...yes some people take it to extremes but don't be discouraged.
As a 501st member I've cracked my collar plate, cracked jetpack, broke knee armor, ripped my flight suit, and broke my toe spikes...if your trooping in your kit even with a handler drunk people, special needs, and just plain accidents will happen. Don't let it bum you out because unless your building your kit to sit on a mannequin then things will break. If you troop in it like me the kit isn't for you it's for all those smiling faces, to give them that moment...yes some people take it to extremes but don't be discouraged.
Question for'ya that I hadn't thought of before, for once you ARE approved.

Ok, so.... you're suit is done, finished, looks awesome, you submit for approval and then you get into the 501st with your kit.

Then... a major part of your kit gets damaged, lets say... your chest armor, or your jetpack. You then need to commission someone to make you a new part to replace it.

When you get the new parts in that you had to replace your broken ones... do you have to submit pictures of your new replacement parts, to see if THEY get approval? Or, is it where once your suit gets accepted into the 501st, it's just assumed that you you will only get a replacement part that will work fine and meets the standards... aka: No need to submit pics of your new parts for review?
You would only need to resubmit your photos If you didn't troop in awhile or fill out your annual census...once your in the 501st your in. There's some people who only troop once a year just to keep there active status. As long as you fixed the kit and your still actively trooping then your fine. I myself have trooped at least 40 times this year and still have more troops planned before the year is over with. If I was to resubmit with my kit indont think it would still be up to par but I definitely know that there's alot more scratches and filled cracks on my kit then when I started. You have to remember the 501st even though sometimes it's hard to get in there all just volunteers at the end of the day.
Sorry to hear of that, that's totally not cool. But I understand special needs kids too. Not to beat the dead horse, but a handler I should think could have made attempts to thwart such behavior. But to them they're just having fun - even if it is rowdy. I do think that many people don't really know what a majority of our Fett gear is made of either. I'd like to see that kid try that on Slave1Pirate117 's armor. Hehehe!

40 Troops this year already?! Based on your WIP thread, I should think there'd be way more pics Hahaha! But that's super cool though And I do imagine all the hard work that went into painting does take some damage with each and every troop. I've only been in my Fett costume about a dozen or so times and my back armor takes the brunt of the damage with my jetpack rubbing/scratching it up.

Oh man, being pelting by little kids with inflatable sabers, also not cool. Again, special needs kids so I get that. I think the right thing was done and while it sucks, you just have to remove yourself from that situation. Before the Halloween event that I took part this year, I actually went to our local mall and walked around a bit alone to show off my costume. I got tons of reactions, especially with my MiCom. And the folks at the Lego store were shocked to see Boba walk in....
Photo Oct 31 2022, 12 11 12 PM.jpg

I was approached by a younger couple (mid-20's) and asked if it was ok to take a picture - I said "As you wish" with my MiCom - they thought that was cool. The guy approaches me to stand next to me and then he knocks me in the abdominal armor pretty hard with his knuckles (not a punch), I think to see if he'd get a reaction out of me. All I did, was take both hands, palms up near my chest on either side and said "Dude, really?!" He just smirked. His girlfriend got pissed at him and loudly said "What the hell did you do that for?!" I know those people are out there - and you must be wary. I know in the 90's when I was in High School (Class of '93), I'm not sure if they still have this kind of program, but it was for the group of kids the school district called ED or Emotionally Disturbed. These kids (while I do feel bad for them), usually are the ones who lash out, have heightened aggression, depression, mood swings, etc. But after meeting that young guy in the mall, I don't think it would be a stretch to think he was one of them kids.

Having a handler or someone to keep people at bay is definitely the way to go. Although I personally haven't been on a troop in costume, I've experienced a lot of the above situations as a spectator.

I think it really comes down to negligence or people not knowing what really goes into these costumes. Probably to the average person, they have no idea about how much time, effort, energy, and money goes into a Fett or other costume.

To them, you're just another guy in costume or they just see you as Boba Fett. They probably don't know what goes into the costume and how some things can be delicate.

The jetpack for example, people just see the jetpack and think "wow, cool. He's got the Boba Fett jetpack too" They don't know that the kit with all the greeblies can cost upwards of $650. Plus all the time masking, painting, weathering, and getting all the damage to be as screen accurate as possible.

I know when I went to New York Comic Con this year I remember thinking "wow, there's a lot of great costumes and these are some brave people lol" I know my girlfriend and I made every effort to be respectful to these people's costumes to not damage them in any way.

Unfortunately not everyone has that mentality and I saw a lot of people not caring. I guess it really is like any other hobby where you really don’t know or have the appreciation unless you're into it or know what goes into it.
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