Blueprints and Measurements needed !!

Real Scooby

Active Hunter
First, hi everybody ! I am new over here and I already feel at home here. For years I have tried to create my own Boba armor but completley failed or lost interrest due lack of information or help.

Now I am a little older and NOW I serious about it. My target : Complete a BF before Halloween 2006.

As for my first task, I am looking for detailed blueprints w/ measurements for following parts.

* left wrist rocket
* kneepad dart launchers
* right wrist mini rockets
* square collar/back connectors

I have access to a company to get them machined for free to keep the overall costs down a little.

I will bookmark this thread and update through my progress.
Search it, its here someplace. Everything you want to know is here but the trick is you have to look for it. It's a pain at times.
i know that wizard of flight is workign on kneepad armor templates and that he includes the plans for the metal dart launchers. accurate size.
Here is my gauntlet “rocket” drawing. I’m still working on the gauntlet blueprints/templates and the darts.


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