The. Worst. Movie. Ever. Made. - SPOILERS

ok i saw this tonight and left on a disapointed note. i feel if anything is wrong with this movie is that it just felt rushed. alot of the acting could have been better. they should have had someone different than Shila, he still sucks at his job, This Indy wasnt bad but it wasnt good. there were lots of stuff that looked like they wernt thought out. i just couldnt enjoy it like i do watching the originals. :(

as for the worst movie ever made... afew titles come to mind that Mystery Science Theater 3000 took care of. :)
My opinion of this movie is that it is Indy at still doing what he does best. Sure, it's not Raiders or Last Crusade, but it's still a LOT better than TOD. I went into the movie wanting it to be good, but worrying that it may not have that Indy feel to it. However, I was quite surprised that it was a great story, with pretty good characters (the double double agent was kinda stupid). The action was great and the archaeological aspect was still amazing.

Another thing i was happy about was the humor they put in it, not over the top humor, but a few little things to make you smile. I know a lot of people hated the ending, but I liked it, and I loved the movie. Definitely not the worst movie ever made, but a great Indy movie that i will def be seeing in the theater at least one more time.

The best advice for seeing this: DON'T LISTEN TO ANYONE, go into it with an open mind and decide for yourself. don't jump on a bandwagon before seeing it, or you'll be wanting to hate it.
and then there is of course the new "Rambo",which I have not seen.The trailers share enough.


You haven't seen "Rambo" and you say it could be the worst movie ever made?

For the record, "Rambo" is as simple as movie a movie could ever get.

and it's totally freekin'

A W E S O M E !
Rambo is INCREDIBLE.....

I wanted to jump up and cheer when he was blowing people away!!!

Braks...glad to see you bought the trilogy CRUSADE and then about some cheesy stuff in those movies

I bet a million bucks had this INDY4 come out 3 years after CRUSADE we would have all loved it......

If CRUSADE Was made today all of you would be saying it was the worst movie ever

here is the bottom line.....

for most of us we saw the first 3 INDY's when we were kids and that is why we loved them!!!

now that we are adults it does not have the same affect on us...kinda like the NEW STAR WARS

I can see this thru my on daughter....

She loves the new STAR WARS movies...SHE LOVED INDY 4

when she gets older she will always have a great memories of these movies

as for me...I am just a big kid...

Heck I loved the last HULK movie
I'm going top agree with Darth Miller. Had this been released in the 80/mid 90-s when the first set of scripts were created (yes thats how long they've been screwing with it) people would have loved it.

But time is relative and because we all waited so long we expected more.

It's ok. It's Indiana Jones. of course it's a little bit cheesy.

Think of how B-A ford is, it's gotta be a bit hokey or else the hero would most likely die.

You haven't seen "Rambo" and you say it could be the worst movie ever made?

For the record, "Rambo" is as simple as movie a movie could ever get.

and it's totally freekin'

A W E S O M E !

Guys..... I mean the "new" RAMBO not FIRST BLOOD
"First Blood" is a incredible movie given the fact that if it did not get played on HBO and the other movie channels at the time it would have be dead in the water.If I remember right the studios gave it limited release or did not think it would do well.But after HBO showed it then the "John Rambo" saga began.
Now this new story in the saga "Rambo" I find funny.I have not seen and proably wont because for me the trailers ruin it.I remember the sequel jokes being mentioned of a 70 yr old Rambo by the critics.Well now there is ;).
On sec thought I might just watch it as to not be someone with a negative POV who wont give it a chance.SO I will remove my statement until I see it.
Guys..... I mean the "new" RAMBO not FIRST BLOOD
"First Blood" is a incredible movie given the fact that if it did not get played on HBO and the other movie channels at the time it would have be dead in the water.If I remember right the studios gave it limited release or did not think it would do well.But after HBO showed it then the "John Rambo" saga began.
Now this new story in the saga "Rambo" I find funny.I have not seen and proably wont because for me the trailers ruin it.I remember the sequel jokes being mentioned of a 70 yr old Rambo by the critics.Well now there is ;).
On sec thought I might just watch it as to not be someone with a negative POV who wont give it a chance.SO I will remove my statement until I see it.

That's the one we are talking about too.

The new Rambo film, simply titled "Rambo," is AWESOME

Sorry to derail. I just hate to see someone bash a movie without seeing it.
Rambo is INCREDIBLE.....

I wanted to jump up and cheer when he was blowing people away!!!

Couldn't agree more. I went into Rambo about the same way I went into IJ4.... expecting to hate it.... expecting my childhood memories to be trampled... I walked out wanting to beat my chest and wave an American flag. That movie stirred a little bit of patriotism in me I didn't realize was even there any more. I am counting down the days for it to come out on DVD because I am actually buying several copies to send to my dad and some other friends.

Talk about a movie that really exceeded and completely blew away my expectations.
Rambo cause Brak's and I to fight most of the way home from the movie theater :lol: I was a bit traumatized after seeing it. I loved the original Rambo movies, but this one seemed wayyyyyyy toooooooo graphic. However, after hearing an interview with Stallone as to why he made it that way, I am willing to overlook it and watch it again with an open mind.

We watched Raiders last night and I'm sorry, but nostalgia has nothing to do with it. That movie is friggen awesome. I don't know what they were thinking with 4 but it isn't even in the same league, period. Raiders to this day has an awesome story line and development, you can FEEL the tense moments. I actually jumped when they were in the well of souls and Marion got caught up in the corpses, and I've seen this movie many times and know what is going to happen. The effects still look great. I seem to be in the minority, but I really liked TOD. I read the book first and it freaked me out and I thought they did an excellent job of making the movie really get the same feel as the book. Usually books are better than movies but I thought they were equal. And Last Crusade is hands down my favorite of the trilogy. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the "real Indiana Jones movies" :D:D:D
Have to agree with Brak's, Mirax, OSK, etc. in that I was highly disappointed. The film lost right at the beginning with the fridge and failed to come back. Too many quick unrelated events with little to no explanation. Too many "can't suspend reality that much" survival situations. One too many, who, what, and why protecting natives, ants, monkeys etc. One too many, I have seen that chase in Raiders before.
I don't need nor want to pick the movie apart scene by scene. This is not the same caliber or league of Raiders. Brak's is 100% correct, had this not been called "indy" it would die a quick death.

I felt used and dirty after I left the movie theater and wanted to take a shower.
also is it just me or did KotCs seem just alittle bit too... clean?

Not sure exactly what you mean, but I noticed that we had to even show that the monkey the bad girl throws over the cliff didn't buy the farm, but managed to save itself.... Did anyone even die in this movie past the first 5 minutes?
Did anyone even die in this movie past the first 5 minutes?
Yes, cant kill the animals but people are fair game.
One of the guys in the Grave that Indy blew the dart into.
Two died with the ants.
Some falling from the cliff when the tree struck them.
The female Russian getting vaporized.
Remaining soldiers getting sucked up into the roof of the ship
Indy's "friend" getting sucked into the spinning side of the ship
Several natives being shot at the main temple.

Your question was rhetorical, but what the heck...:)
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one thing i didnt like was the opening. they screwed it up. all the other indys had good but usless openings to get you started. this one kinda jumped right into, uhoh indys already in trouble. and it didnt start with an unrelated item indy was looking for. just not well thought out
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just got done watching it... and I gotta tell you... In true American Idol fashion... Randy Jackson- "IT WAS JUST ALRIGHT FOR ME" most of the action sequences I needed a lobotomy to appreciate them.... mainly the fridge,waterfall, and the tree cutter scene. at least John Williams sound track was awesome!!!!!
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