Personal Note

Thank you everyone for the kind words and thoughts!
This last week has been rough. The chemo is finally affecting me and causing issues in my stomach. But I'm feeling better now and back on track. And I'm bald now so bring on the GI Jane jokes! I would never consider it an insult to compare me to 80's Demi Moore!
Great to hear you're on the mend. Yeah I know the effects of chemo, not personally, but I have two sisters who endured it. Helluva thing to watch, but both are finally in remission! I'm so glad to hear your feeling better!

Hahaha! On the G.I. Jane jokes. As we all know, Will Smith didn't feel that way when Chris Rock threw out them jokes.

Keep getting better!

Late to this thread and what a thread to have missed. We never met, but I have read a lot of your posts in this forum and that says a lot about a person, too. Im amazed by your fighting spirit! Keep that in the journey ahead! Cancer can be beat! Mindset is so very powerful! ALL the best... May God hold you through this!
Hey gang, I have some news to share and it's not great. After having the absolute worst year possible (seriously, I had to replace my roof and all my plumbing and those are just the highlights, hat tip to Tfett40 for the the plumbers!) I got the call in the middle of Celebration that I have breast cancer. So for the good news, I have great insurance, they are super on top of things, I start chemo Monday. I have a great family support system and I have the best job in the world, working for you guys. Thankfully it's a job I can do in my pajamas. I've been trying to get as much out as I can before things start getting bad but I might be late with some orders. My daughter is home from college and she's not getting a job, she's just going to help me with sewing. She's getting pretty good and can do a vest without my help already. I will be quoting a year turnaround from here on out though, just to be sure I can get stuff out. If anybody has an order with me currently and you want a refund, let me know. Thank you guys for your support through the years, I plan to be here for many more.
And dammit, I finally got SDCC tix for 2020 that I've been holding onto for two years that I can't use now. I cried when they showed up in my mail yesterday.
So sorry to hear this. We've never done business together but I've kept looking at your work and your products are fantastic. My sister just went thru the whole chemo treatment so i hope you the best of luck. She seems to be doing ok now and I'm sure you will have the same result. Theres a fair few of us on this group and if you need help I'm sure 90% of this group (or more) would be happy to help. Good luck on your recovery and speak up if you need us and we can surely sort something out :)
Just saw this thread, and wanted to wish you the best!
As a few others have said, I've never had the opportunity to do business with you, but your reputation and craftsmanship are very well known in the Fett community!
I can't believe I just now saw this... I really hope you're doing well Carole! I'm sure you've got a lot of support but if you need anything at all don't hesitate to ask. <3
Cycle three is done, one more cycle of once a week infusions and then on to once every three weeks for four cycles. It simultaneously seems like it's been a year at least and only two weeks since the diagnosis. But I'm feeling good, and I'm still sewing :) Thank you everyone for the well wishes, I really love this community!
Cycle three is done, one more cycle of once a week infusions and then on to once every three weeks for four cycles. It simultaneously seems like it's been a year at least and only two weeks since the diagnosis. But I'm feeling good, and I'm still sewing :) Thank you everyone for the well wishes, I really love this community!
Thats really good to hear! Mindset is such an important part! And from what I can tell as a far away bystander, youre handeling that part just great! Hang in there, Im praying for ya!
Hey gang, current update:
Halfway through chemo and surgery is tentatively scheduled for January. I just started what they call the red devil. Bad news is my white blood count is taking a huge hit and I have to inject myself in the stomach for seven days and I hate needles. Oh well, time to buck up.The presale for next year's SDCC is Saturday and I'm taking a leap of faith that I will be able to go! I am still sewing but giving myself a ridiculously long turnaround but that might change. Thanks for all the positive thoughts!
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