Kal's Custom Mando

OK vode, I NEED HELP!!!

I'm stuck overseas for a while. I was wondering if anyone wanted to help me out with my kit. I'll pay (obviously) for materials and shipping. I'm willing to pay for labor too (as long as you don't get too carried away). Here's what I need.

I need the following items finished:
1. Gaunts
2. DC-15S Commando Blaster

I need the following items made:
1. Knees
2. Cod
3. Vest

yes I know it's a lot of stuff, but... I have the gaunts at an 80% solution. The deece is actually a beautitul model from brail khan, it just needs to be bondo'd and detailed, otherwise it's done. The vest is simple, I just need a black/coyote brown Boba vest (side opening). If anyone wants to help/be commissioned please PM me! I'll happily coordinate with you to get done what I need. Everything else is g2g or very near it. Close enough I think I can have it done within a month or two of getting home. Which won't be for a while yet.
Shroom: I actually had it made by A'den Kyramud... the man's amazingly talented and it's beyond tough. The box arrived smashed to hades and it still came out in great shape. It's been knocked off tables, dropped, kicked and stood on by my 45lb 6 yr old daughter... and it's still in the same condition it arrived in.

So I may have help with the Deece... anybody wanna pitch in on some of these other parts? I'll have my wife ship 'em to any trustworthy vod who wants to help out!

Gaunts just need to have the hinges installed and have a little bit of finishing bondo work done. I need some knee plates outright as well as a decent cod plate... the "trashcan armor" cod plate did NOT turn out very well when I finished it. The helmet does need a little bit of work, but I want to do that myself... finish up A'den's masterpiece. I'd also appreciate if whoever is willing to help out would let me know either here or via PM what part they can help with.
I've got a cod plate from rimshot that I am not going to use, if you want it , and some work done on it let me know what you are looking for bro.

@Brail: Cod piece would be definately appreciated! PM sent ner vod.

@Darkson: Thanks ner vod, blaster's not quite ready to paint will need some finishing work prior but I have a bit of help with that one. I'll get back with you tho on the painting!
OK, so I have help with gaunts, and the deece... Brail's got a cod piece I'm negotiating on. Now all I need are knees, a flightsuit and vest. Anybody know where I can scrounge these up from?
BTW... I meant to tell you guys last week, I found out that I got picked up for Captain! It's official, I have a line number and everything, I expect to pin on around July of next year! Anyhow, back to the mando stuff... I may have a line on the flightsuit, Mareyce from the mercs might be making one for me. I'm also thinking... maybe I need to order some stock leather and do a bit of gunbelt making whilst I'm hanging out in the middle of nowhere.
Your an officer besides being in the AF... I wonder if I could find an expresso maker for your guantlets :p
In all seriousness though, congradulations on the promotion and let me know when your wifey gets them heading my way.

Have a good one,
Hagen you're a laugh a minute! I'm actually a flyer too, on a heavy! lol I'm an Air Battle Manager, 13B3B, the guy the ground pounders call when they need CAS overhead... I of course do a lot more than that but that's what most people understand when I try to explain my job. I literally have to reference the movie transformers, it sucks but it works. Anyhow, yeah those gaunts are SUPPOSED to be on the way, I'll double check when I talk to her this evening but they should be headed your way already. Thanks again Hagen!
Congrats kal'ika! (I think, LoL). Don't know much about the military... but being "picked up for Captain" sure sounds like a good thing.
Ah I gotcha Kal, I was 2/75 rgr when I was in. SO I'm very familiar with what you boys would bring to the table for us. Anyways back to the subject of armor building. You mentioned you wanted some type of tactical display on one of your guants. I'm picking up some C pull CWDW guants from TK3181 over on the Merc boards. I was thinking of hacking one of them up and making a covered tact screen and keyboard. Once I get your guants and the CWDW in hand I'll post some pics of what I'm invisioning for yea. Oh did you want me to paint them up when I'm done or do you want them shipped backed just primmed for you?

Have a good one,
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