ESB EE-3 blaster rifle question


I've been searching for someone who makes an accurate ESB EE-3 Fett rifle and have yet to find anyone. I thought I had someone locked in at the RPF, but then communications stopped, not sure if the project went forward or not.

For those of you who build these super-accurate costumes, where do you get the ESB rifle? I really want to have one for my Fett collection, but it seems most prefer the ROTJ version.
You have Stormrider, sidewinder, and MLS. Those guys are the top notch fellas here so far. Check out their work and prices and see what's best for you :) don't settle for others, it's well worth the money! I have a sidewinder kit and it's fantastic and crazy detailed so be sure to look into those 3 guys.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A
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