Boba Fett Costume for 6 years old boy

I started painting armor and helmet. These are the effect on the first day of painting.



The time has come to show the world the result of my work.
At the 2010 convention StarForce my son Milosz won the costume contest:).
Functional "systems" :) in this costume:
- A working flamethrower (strong flashing LEDs)
- On the right sleeve two switches for a flashing beacon light on backpack, and chest display (LED)
- Flashing LEDs in the RF

In darkness Miłosz seems to be flashing Las Vegas :) :)

A little bit is still to be done. New ammo pouches, spats, , the ends of the axis of jp nozzles, attaching properly pieces of armor on the shoulders, complete painting backpack, broken jp stabilizerand right ear panel repair, set of shin tools, functionality of blaster and plates on blaster stock (ready for assembly).






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Really fantastic work there. Kind of puts all the other kids' costumes to shame. :P Is that last picture you and your boy? If so, adorable.
Insane, you have taken this to a whole new level mate, so much detail. Great work, would be interested if you did runs on this stuff

Wow! That mini Boba Fett suit is awesome! You've done an amazing job with every stage of the construction and it fit perfectly your son. I bet he is proud of you and vice versa.

That's really great for the both of you guys. Awesome work and your son looks like he's having a blast in it. I can only hope my kids are as passionate with this as I am, when the time comes.
i bet he was excited! impressive scaling on that outfit as! i think i see jealous kids in the background of nearly every pic lol
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