Imperial Guard Helmet Skupilkinson's Pepakura

Hey all.

The good news is that I haven't forgotten about this project and it's getting warmer here. I never got a chance to get over to my Dad's place, seems like he wasn't there every time I had a day off. The bad news is that I now have two jobs and I'm working seven days a week so... finding time to do anything is quite a task. As soon as I get something done, though, I'll post pics.
Sorry to keep everyone hanging.

I just saw this thread too Novall... I am so impressed! The patience and attention to detail is great!!! I wanna try something like this so bad but I'd be afraid of messing it up haha! I can't wait to see it in it's red glory! Great job!

Wow! I've been following this for a while, and it is looking great! I love pep builds! How much time do you have in the initial paper build not including glassing or bondo.

Keep it up!
Kody, I never really kept track of time but I think I started working on it around the 3rd or 4th of July, 2008. The last mod pic I uploaded to my pc was August 17, 2008. It was all done in spare time. If you add it all together maybe a week of solid, non-stop work.

I've had some time and warm weather over the past couple of days and I finally got to do something. :thumbsup: Hooray! :thumbsup: It is now under paint and clear coat. Here are some pics. Enjoy.





I'm working on installing the visor this afternoon. When my wife gets back with the camera I'll try to get some pics of the final product up.
Well folks... I think I can finally say it's done. Now I just gotta finish the rest of the costume. Any tips on where to look? All the sites I've found on searches so far, are either gone or dead. Anyway without further delay here it is.



Here it is over my melon.



And for grins on my 15 month old son and then my wife.


Again a huge thanks to Skip for the templates, and to all of you for the compliments and having the patience to wait on my lack of progress.
I will be doing armor templates at some point buddy though I'm not sure when if that helps any?? You never replied to my cry to "Sell it to me!!!" LOL!
T-Bone, your kid almost fits COMPLETELY INSIDE that thing :lol:
I am so glad that your hard work has paid off, I paid Skip for his pep file a couple of weeks ago, but havn't had time to start since I am orienting at my new job, but seeing how FREAKING GOOD THAT LOOKS, I WILL MAKE MINE TOO (HE YELLS TO THE MOUNTAINS)

Hey Skip when you get the armor templates ready, gimme a pm, I'll DEFINATELY BUY IT.
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Thanks guys. I have some more of Skip's templates, and with my success on this I'm looking forward to building the others. Just as soon as I get more time. LOL
its so BEAUTIFUL... i have always thought that this was one of the best looking helmets and you definitely did a great job on re-creating it.

I've been thinking about folding this helmet for a little while now, got any tips or tricks you learned from your build?
Ooh! What you gonna build next?

I haven't decided yet. Probably the Revan mask since I already have it printed and sitting in front of me. I need to finish the build of the Nihilus mask first. I started on it when I got that mess figured out just to see how it would look.

I've been thinking about folding this helmet for a little while now, got any tips or tricks you learned from your build?

All I can say to this one is "PATIENCE." That's what will get this one done.:lol:
Sounds great! I've just finished a set of templates for a Cylon head from the new BSG series(can you still call it new when it's just ended???). I'm happy with it but I can tell that's another one that would require alot of patience.
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