Tobbi Dala Boklast's Tobbi Dala


Jr Hunter
I've been working on this for a while and forgot to post it here!

Just in case, here is Tobbi Dala:





Dala on right, Boba in middle, Shysa on left

Early 80's Star Wars goodness!

I am building Dala realistic with the comic colors. I'll spare all the WIP for the completed parts.

On to the action!

MOW jetpack




BBF harness

Other parts on the jp: Serenity ESB ali beacon & ali collar, EVO ali stabilizer, Scott's Pre-pro decals

MOW gauntlets:



Other gauntlet parts: RussRep ali darts, Alcoswitch MPE106D pushbuttons

Woodman custom Wookie braid:

Belt, girth & pouches:

BBF custom ESB belt, LWFU white pouches dyed to color, Centaur girth dyed to color

ESB DL-44 & ROTJ EE-3:


Sidewinder ROTJ EE-3 completed


I went with the ROTJ EE-3 because in the group shot posted at the top, Dala's EE-3 looks closest to the ROTJ. In these pics, the angles make Boba's EE-3 look like the one Dala is holding in the group shot:



The ESB DL-44 is a Doopydoo kit. Very nice btw.

Shin tools:


Paterson found parts, Mojo ali parts, ABS & electrical

More in a moment!
Now the helmet. I am using a GMH. That's right, I filled the dent.:lol:

I wanted to use the best and I did! Obviously the GMH is the new standard, so why not?

Drilled & filled:



Paint work has begun:




Sorry for the bad pics. The white bled a little under the tape. The keyslots & panel will be dark red / maroon for depth.

I forgot to mention earlier that everything has been topical. The helmet will be the same (obviously).

Next up will be the orange, black and maroon.

Thanks for looking:thumbsup:
I knew that would get you guys!:lol: Definitely not playing around with my Dala. He and Shysa deserve some love!

I figure Chris will be using the GMH his base, like the MR. So I'm just ahead of the curve.:)

I've got the yellow / orange down now and started the RF and stalk. I'll post some pics once I get the back and maroon on.
Woooooow! So cool! I always wondered who the comic guy in your avatar was. That's some nice work man. Unique. I'd bet you're the 1st one to do a complete Tobbi Dala.
The rest of the pieces look great so far, especially the gauntlets and jetpack. Will you be using a lot of silver weathering on the helmet, or will it be relatively unscratched?
The rest of the pieces look great so far, especially the gauntlets and jetpack. Will you be using a lot of silver weathering on the helmet, or will it be relatively unscratched?

I will be using silver weathering on the helmet and armor. The weathering will be based on the PP1, but not exact.
Helmet pics!

The basic painting is done! Now I just need to do the weathering! Sorry for the poor pics:





There are some clean up areas, but otherwise I am very happy with the results.

Here are the ears, stalk & RF:


The sunlight makes the parts look off white, but they are white like the helmet areas.

I put static LEDs in the RF:




I need to attach the viewfinder onto the RF. I painted it black and left the clear lense area.

Next up will be the silver weathering pics (without ears). I will attach the ears after that.
The helmet is finished!.... almost. I screwed up my visor!:angry When I was cutting it out, it cracked right in the top middle!! That sucks.

Anyway, here are the pics sans visor:










Sorry for the pics. I'm using a point & shoot with poor lighting. The silver wanted to reflect a lot...

I pretty much winged it using some PP1 Boba helmet pics for reference and put my twist on it. Then applied some plain black acrylic paint watered down with a brush & paper towels.

Behind the keyslots is a MQ-1 board. Not sure if I will leave it in because it reduces headroom alittle. The MQ-1 board is currently held in place by aluminum tape. Easy to use, holds well and is removable. I used the ESB ear details also. My plan is to add the left ear "horse shoe", but in black with a white symbol.

I want Dala to be similar to Boba in the sense that he has been around. Since he fought in the Clone Wars and other battles, there would be some serious wear. Dala, Boba and Shysa should have similar fundamental looks (if Dala & Shysa were in the movies).

My armor is also ready to ship! :) FP dentless Boba armor set. No Boba dents for me!

Thanks for looking!:thumbsup:
and the only reason I had my doubts about this were, comparing a comic (quick inking) to a actual costume is kinda sketchy...Im still not sold on the blue jetpack. It reminds me of the holiday special to much as do the gaunts...Dankinsywalkers Fenn Shysa had me liking the idea of Boba Like colors for the helmet and same for yours I actually was painting a helmet to be Tobi Dala, which I changed to PP1...I was thinking you should could do a layered job of it like an ESB helmet, not use the yellow ring but keep the same colors of ESB just different damage, have the ROTJ jetpack colors just different damage like in the puc of Boba with two protectors...making it more "Uniform" if you will.

But you certainly are pulling off using the colors from the comic, theyre a bit bright for a militant fighter though. Not sure if you thought of the Boba-esk style I was talking about, I can tell your going for the comic colors and all.
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