need master chief armor templates

Devin Jax

Jr Hunter
templates please for my costume ive finished my scratch built bucket ill post pics up in a bit.but i was wondering if the wizard of flight could make me some cuz of his great fett templates that came out great thnx alan!:cheers
There are no templates. The 405th has Pepakura, an advanced modeling program that you print out faces and put together. But, NO TEMPLATES. There would be no way to make a Spartan template.

405th username- Spartan 061
WOF is on the 405th, and he currently made a template/blueprint of the pistol. So he may be working on armor in the future. But you will find more help at the 405th.

As far as pepakura, it already is a template, just in 3D. You can still use it the same way, by just printing it, cutting it out, and tracing it onto any medium that you are using and attach the pieces together.
This site may have what your looking for, even if it doesnt its got some good instructions and tips.

One to thing to remember while you're at the 405th Forums, is that the majority of the posters there are kids, very young kids. On any other given day that's fine, but the postings of many, are just that, postings.

There are a few there with the skills, knowledge and product that can help you out in your quest for MC armor, just do your research, use the SEARCH feature and ask the right people.

Good luck and stay safe,

W'ell yes i have noticed.........But i am also pretty young but i have a bit of boba fett armour was pretty decents have to give them a but of credit....and to all you others...sorry for not replying i have been very,very busy on my costume...(mainly back armour).....but really!!!thnx alot you guys have helped....\

its not all that bad to use. When i first downloaded it, i didn't like what i saw...but when it came time to put it together, it was kinda fun. I am gunna i've started a thread if you wanna check mine out...i'm still on the helmet.
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