Workout review

So my stats today were 183.8 lbs and 12% body fat. I am very pleased with the Alpha and Beta phases and I am looking forward to the rest of Gamma.
I'm gonna have to check into this after the first of the year.....

Thanks for posting this......

I've been doing crazy 8's workouts that my trainer has shown me. Down to 222 this morning....... feeling much better.
You are welcome

I did The Pyramid today. There is no doubt that Gamma will be much more strength focused. The pyramid is just what it sounds like. You do one rep....pause two reps.....pause three reps and so on up to 8-10 reps depending on the move.

I have done each of the four Gamma workouts now and I really like this phase. It is on a 4 week plan, so I will finish around year end. My goal is to be down to 10% body fat and get to see some abs for Christmas.......
Halfway through the Gamma phase, two weeks to go including this week. I am still enjoying this phase and the program overall. The limited time for each day has really been great. My gym workouts are going well too. My bench and my pull ups have increased greatly.

181.4 and 11.4% body fat as of today.
The trick (besides discipline) is not setting ridiculous targets…people take their time gaining weight, so losing it and getting in shape takes just as much time. Also don’t use the scale as a measurement of success, it can be disappointing, but use the mirror and listen to your body. It’s more honest.

I use to weigh 210 at age 22, I figured if I would not start exercising I stay like that the rest of my life. Now I’m 35 and weigh 154 for some years now, have an athletic body and feel much better than I did when I was younger. I began all those years back with road cycling to lose weight. First I did a couple of miles before getting out of breath, each time a little further now I cycle 50 miles for fun. (cycling is less stressful for kneecaps and the back then running) gradually I also started training at the gym.

I figured out that listening to your body is essential, workout routines often claim to be the best, but in reality each body is different and reacts differently on workouts. Genetics play a big role some people gain muscle weight much more and faster than others. For me it takes longer, I used shakes of all kind and they had no impact on me which was frustrating. Now I know my body reacts best on more repetitions with lighter weights (for instance 30 reps with 20 kilo v.s. 8 reps with 40 kilo) and my body gets used to routines very fast, so each month I have to change my schedule and workouts drastically to trick my body.

I did P90X for a while, it’s fun and some exercises are brutal, but after a while it’s a bit tedious. However I do like and recommend the simplicity of the exercises, which could be done at home with just a couple of dumbbell weights. For a beginner I don’t recommend P90X, too hard and if you don’t finish the reps it can set you back. It’s also more for agility then losing weight.

But most important is nutrition, I’m not a calorie counter and I like to eat when I’m at a party. The trick is not to eat more than required each normal day. A body does not need much food, but genetically the human body still thinks it has to eat with every opportunity it gets (which was useful in prehistoric times when we had to rely on catching our own food) take smaller portions and stay away from junk food.

So, good luck with all those new year’s resolution and set small targets!
I tend to agree with you. I also use cycling in my workouts, in fact I am looking forward to more cycling next year.

I do count calories to some extent but not in an overwhelming way. I try to eat reasonable through out the week. I have one more week to go to finish the third phase of T25 and I am still quite happy with the program. I am hoping to take a week or so off and then start into something else.....more cycling for certain.

I hope that I will have my body fat down to below 11% at the end of this cycle. As always when you get to the numbers lower the harder it is to lower the number.
i can recommend Stroglift 5x5.

Its straight, simple and free. Due several Reasons I dont visit a Gym and simply bought my self a barbell some weights and a used rack some years ago and assambled that in my Basement - So the Idea was that i can do my workout whenever I want, listen to my tunes, can grunt and scream when i need to and can do my whole workout in underdies - and save alot time and Diesel for not driving to a gym. ^^

Anyway - for the Programm: I gave that programm a try a couple of years ago when I decided to start lifting. Actually i lost only 5kg of weight - but lost 15cm of my waistsize within the first 3 months.

The first Workouts are done in like 20-30 minutes because its very light - but for a beginner in lifting its essential to start light -> to get the Tech right and avoid later injuries.
Every Workout day you adjust the weights for 5lbs (2,5kg) - You benchpressed like 100Lbs on Monday with no failure -> then on the next day you benchpress you do 102.5Lbs etc.
So eventually it will get harder day by day, you will start to fail and hit plateus sooner or later and in the End the Workout will take like an hour. - I like it. ^^
Actually i now use to like long Workouts. I put away the watch, no mobile, no internet just some music, me and the barbell. After a stressy day its a god thing to come down.
I forgot to post my final numbers.

So after the complete 14 week program (alpha 5 weeks, beta 5 weeks, gamma 4 weeks) I missed a total of 3 workouts.

Final weight 182
Final body fat 9.8%

Still can't see my abs as well as I want but that is probably as much of a fact that I am 40 years old as anything. I am going to keep working on it to see how much more body fat I can shed.

I have taken this week off, and I think I will start a new round of T25 on Sunday just to keep it going.

I have since completed another full round of T25 plus a bit more. I have now started P90X3. I am on week 5 of this workout. I like the workout but it is much different than T25. The P90X3 program is 30 minute workouts 6 days a week. The workouts hit more of the resistance workouts than T25 did. T25 was a bit more cardio focused. P90X3 uses more push ups and pull ups and heavier weights.

I have really like both workouts. My weight today was 182.6 and I would imagine my body fat is about 9%. BUT I think I am about to drop some more BF, because I actually gained some weight but did not gain any inches in my waist. My arms are bigger and I am definitely stronger.

So my thoughts are: I would recommend T25. I would also recommend P90X3. They compliment each other nicely and the time involved in each program is VERY doable even with my hectic work schedule and family commitments.
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