SE Fett and Costume Contest (pic intensive)

Hey yeah you were loooking at the special edition weren't you??? I know the scene your talking about though, they copyed and fliped an image to add in the Fett man for the SE (correct me if I am wrong). That why I am sticking with ROTJ all the way!! But looking really good!
I kind of slacked off a little last night. Had bought a new game a few days ago that I hadn't had a chance to play yet, so I cut my work shortfor the evening. I can still make up what isn't done with only a little time tonight, and then a few hours tomorrow.

I installed the knee dart launchers, and attached the RF to the stalk. Finished painting the cod, kidney and back. And the gauntlets are done, just need to attach the missile.
Tonight I am going to attach the straps on the knees, paint and weather the rangefinder, and then make bolts out of my shoulder studs/keyboard keys.

Tomorrow once the J-B Weld is hardened I will figure out the attachment of the collar and back armor, as well as the cape.

That's it.

Sorry, no pictures today.:( I was uber lazy and needed to relax. But that's okay, it will build the suspense til I can post pics of me in the final result at the competition, on Monday.

Thanks guys.

Still never got my blaster tho, if it comes in today before I leave town, I will stop home and grab it. Should have come by now, was told it was shipped last Fri, priority with a 2-3 day ETA. So hopefully I get a call from home saying there is a package for me.
So I just got back and it was just as I feared; Juggies > Fett.
I wasn't the only person upset tho, a lot of entries were pretty upset. I am pretty sure the judges were drunk as hell, so they just made sluts wiggle their butts and bare some cleavage and gave them a pass.
There was a REALLY sweet looking Predator there, and even he wasn't a finalist. His language was quite colorful.

All in all, I expected it, and don't care all that much, I was too busy getting pictures with all the cool people that actually appreciated the Fett man. Got a lot of good photos taken with the likes of Super Mario, some Ghostbusters, some Ninja Turtles, Megatron, the Reno Sheriff's dept., and of course that awesome Predator.

A lot of random people came up and complimented me, felt great. And even after the competition some people were surprised and even a few pissed when they were skanky hoes beat me.
A random even came up and asked me if I was a member of TDH! They weren't a registered member but a lurker.

Should have some pics up tomorrow. Thanks guys!
LostSonOfSparda -- For all the nice complements I've gotten on my Daft helmet, I have yet to comment on your work here... It looks fantastic! Keep up the good work; I know I don't really have to tell you to do that, but merh. :D

Looking great though!
A random even came up and asked me if I was a member of TDH! They weren't a registered member but a lurker.

Should have some pics up tomorrow. Thanks guys!

That was me, the venetian dancer! ahhh! Your costume was awesome. I was amazed that you made it yourself too. My friend and I were pretty sure that you'd be a finalist or win, so I'm glad I didn't stay. I left quite early after my mom called and said my beloved canine died. I wasn't really in the mood to party after that. -_- But like I said, amazing costume. I'm glad I got to see it in person.
I left quite early after my mom called and said my beloved canine died.

:(Sorry to hear that.
Thanks for the kind words, it is much appreciated. You too xero!
I wasn't a finalist, and even that really awesome Predator wasn't either. If there was one person I'd feel good being beat by, it woulda been him!
I wish I had the chance to talk to that guy, I wouldn't doubt that he knows or has at least heard of Ruffkin.
I didn't stick around after I got outed; my gf's feet were hurting and she was more upset than I was:lol: So we were hungry and decided to peace out and go hit up the Awful Waffle.

Anyway, I heard that the Tin Man won. Glad to hear that it wasn't one of those hootchies. I actually talked to the Tin Man and he was a really cool guy. Made his costume out of sheet metal and it looked pretty cool. Apparently he drove about 6 hrs from the mountains just to be there. From what he said, the contest played out the same the past few years; all the good costumes get looked over in favor of skin:angry

Oh well, the funnest part for me was just taking pictures. And speaking of pics, my gf should email them all to me sometime today! Kind of bothersome, I didn't even get a picture on the radio stations website. But I got stopped about 4 times for a picture or video clip by one of the radio stations workers, saying they wanted some pictures for their website.

But what absolutely made my night, was all the randoms coming up and going "OHMIGAWD it's Boba Fett!!!" Two guys from one of the bands that were playing, ran up and were jumping up and down, practically dying to get a picture with me. The front man actually got on the ground and worshiped me!

I got a lot of compliments on my Fettronics light board! Thanks Jon! You'll have a pic and a review for your site soon!

As I was walking out, a few people stopped and complimented me, and asked if I was in the costume contest. They were shocked when I told them that I got beat by skanks! There was quite a few people upset with the judges.

Oh well, I had fun!
I think you should post up the pics of the "Hootchies"
That is the only way that we can fully understand your pain .

This is a family friendly board!

If ya'll want pics of the hoes check out
The Victoria's Secret Angels seemed to get the most attention.
And the Predator's girlfriend. All she was wearing was a g-string and a fishnet body suit!:eek:
The dumbest skank costume was a Corona and lime duo. Just store-bought costumes that were basically a tight shirt and short shorts with Corona written on it. The one girl had limes on her bum. Those chicks were attention whoring like no tomorrow to make sure they got in the contest. And yes, they got a Finalist Pass.

What kind of upset me, was the Judges. There was one main judge and at least two other guys with her walking around with clipboards. The guy obviously wanted me to be a finalist, he had a pass in his hand ready to give to me, but the main bish just scrunched up her face and said no and gave me a dirty look. I kinda wanted to kick her with my boot-spikes. I had BM resin ones, not any aluminum ones:( If only!:lol:
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I am pretty sure the judges were drunk as hell, so they just made sluts wiggle their butts and bare some cleavage and gave them a pass.

That is a shame. :( You should post some pics of those undeserving girls so we may make an educated opinion of what went wrong. You know how their costumes, or lack there of, beat yours. :facepalm
I think you should post up the pics of the "Hootchies"
That is the only way that we can fully understand your pain .
I'm with Slave here. We need to see the full magnitude of your dispair to fully understand what happened. I will painfully look at the "evidence" and give a whole hearted and unbiased oppinnion. Its my duty...:D
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