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Driving myself into creative madness by looking at my armor pieces, then to references, then back at my armor, then back to the references...
Hi All!

Not sure my actual post, um...posted!

I'm making a budget Commando Droid for next month's MCM Comicon London but need a head template. Anyone got any advice? I'm fairly confident on the body armour and legs but the head is harder.
Im going to using cardboard mostly.
Hi, I was wondering if you still make flight suits, considering the last post was from 4 years ago I didn't want to make assumptions.
I had to take a break from my build, and I just kinda let my mind go free on another build. Guess I just needed a break. Not sure on how anyone would take this "whatever' you'd call it, but it is what it is. Lol
Planet Comicon is eighteen days away- and it's Crunch time! Need a PA system and to finish attaching the jetpack to my armor.
I'll make sure to post up some photos of it on here when it's done.

See if I can get you to change your mind about the general design ;) lol
Hello I just joined how are you guys?
Hey ya LegendHunter
Not doin' too bad out here in Washington State! How bout you?
Hey there, I did a test shoot with my costume but I am still not satisfied with the armor attachement on the shoulders. I'll go back to them and once I figured out a better way to attach them I'll upload it :)

All the best!
The FreshMaker
The FreshMaker
Yeah I’m most unhappy with my shoulder attachments. They felt the loosest even with a ton of Velcro. Probly have the most movement of all the pieces in real life so I shouldn’t be surprised. Lol. Thanks for keeping me up to date. Your pics looked great btw.
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hi man, you have a fph2 for 250 right?? where are you located?
contact me on fb, my name is Tommaso Gabbianelli.
Sorry.. i dont have Facebook

Im located in the Netherlands
whats up??? ad me and if you can send me the pics of the helmet, my number is +393334772374 thank you
Currently building a pre beskar Mandalorian kit for my self. I’ve managed to build a rifle out of bits from my garage and I’m happy with it