Wookie Scalps


Active Hunter
I'm getting ready to make mine but I was wondering with the white and black one, are people using 2 parts black 1 white or 2 white 1 black or 1 white 1 black and 1 black and white?
I'm using FettHunter's ... outstanding set! Here is a picture of them if it will help you:
I am not sure ... FettHunter made them, so you might wanna PM him. He use to have a 200+ post thread in The Cargo Hold selling these, but it got purged when 2 weeks past and there were no new posts.
Those are pretty sweet.

But nothing beats making them out of real animals.

Mine are made out of my old dog and cats.

i'm just kidding they are made of wookies

I am not sure ... FettHunter made them, so you might wanna PM him. He use to have a 200+ post thread in The Cargo Hold selling these, but it got purged when 2 weeks past and there were no new posts.

Thanks for the compliments! :cheers

Yeah, I went on vacation, came back, and the thread was... GONE! :(

I'm planning on cranking up production again in the coming weeks, so keep checking The Cargo Hold for details.

BTW, my braids are made from professional-quality synthetic hair. I order it in bulk (by the crate) from the same manufacturer that Hollywood special effects companies use. I do NOT use "doll hair" or "craft hair" from Walmart, Hobby Lobby, or Michael's. I don't use horse (or other animal) hair (it rots). My hair will last for years, and will serve you well. Ask any of the over 100 TDH members who have bought braids from me since January alone about the quality of my braids. :)

Anyway, keep checking The Cargo Hold for updates! :thumbsup:


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