womo's FP MSH2 w/Pics


Well-Known Hunter
Okay Wayne...ready or not....

This is what I've been working on for the last few weeks. I've put my own fett aside for a while just to get a chance to paint one of these buckets.

Those that know and own this helmet know that this is one of, if not the MOST accurate helmets to date........
none other than... Mr. Fett-Prides MSH2:thumbsup: !!!!

I just want to say this is the cleanest, most beautiful helmet I've had the Pleasure of painting.....and unfortunately I must now return it to it's owner (Womo).
Someday I will own one of these, hint hint..;)

Here's how it Looked when I got it..

Anyway, on to the PICS....








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:eek: Wow. Spidey, if you're gonna post pics of your work, at least you could make them more blurry so i don't feel quite so inadequate! Kudos!
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xaoslord said:
:eek: Wow. Spidey, if you're gonna post pics of your work, at least you could make them more blurry so i don't feel quite so inadequate! Kudos!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks ALL....your comments are Greatly appreciated, Good or BAD.

Now that I'm near finishing this Puppy....it's time for a Cold one...can you say:"BEER THIRTY"?:cheers
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Spidey...I tell ya when I get another helmet I'm hiring you to paint it!!! Your skills are exquisite and your attention to detail is dead on:thumbsup: . You make all of us "ESB Greens" proud...keep up the awesome work and please, please keep posting pics of your finished works .

Thanks everyone...:)

I wanted to post these pics mainly to inspire everyone.....

hansoloway said:
Nailed the blue in the back, did you custom mix that?

and Hansoloway, yes it is a custom mix...I tried to use Rogue's scheme but if you look at the Ref photo's it defiantly not just one color.....lots of misting, lots of layers. Thanks...

Spideyfett said:
Those that know and own this helmet know that this is one of, if not the MOST accurate helmets to date........
none other than... Mr. Fett-Prides MSH2:thumbsup: !!!!

I just want to say this is the cleanest, most beautiful helmet I've had the Pleasure of painting.....

Told ya the MSH2 is the best! ;) I love it!

Awesome job man... you sure you didn't steal that from the Lucasfilm archives?
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Well ladies and gentleman,

I have to say that this was one of the most painless transactions I've ever had in the prop world. I mostly deal in R2 related items so I was at a loss when it came to all things Fett related. I came to the board a couple of months ago looking for an individual to paint my FP helmet I acquired in a trade a while back. A lot of very talented people PM'd me but I choose Spideyfett because of his work and close proximity to where I live. I figured if he jipped me, I knew where he was and could go get him :lol: . I have to say that I'm blown away by his professionalism and quality of his work. The saying goes "you get what you pay for"...and I believe my helmet was worth every penny!

Thanks again Spideyfett....ready for some armor and gauntlets???!!!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Spidey -

AWESOME paint work man ... just AWESOME! :thumbsup:
I got your message, will respond shortly ...

Womo - You gotta be lovin it now man ...:o
I told ya TDH was the place to go ... aren't
ya glad "I" sent ya ;) Got your message too,
you'll get a response shortly ...

Again Spidey - AWESOME job !



A big thanks to those with the kind words about
the MSH2 ;)
fettpride said:
Spidey -

AWESOME paint work man ... just AWESOME! :thumbsup:
I got your message, will respond shortly ...

Womo - You gotta be lovin it now man ...:o
I told ya TDH was the place to go ... aren't
ya glad "I" sent ya ;) Got your message too,
you'll get a response shortly ...

Again Spidey - AWESOME job !



A big thanks to those with the kind words about
the MSH2 ;)

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o ........aaaaaaaaa.....I'm....aaaa....what's the word I'm looking for............SPEECHLESS?????!!!!

Glad I could do it some Justice, or come close anyway.........:thumbsup:

"Cheers" :cheers, to great helmet!!!
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