Where to get ESB Armor?

I have searched through posts and found a link to Bobamaker's website and sent him an email. Where can I go/who else can I reach out to for ESB armor?
All good suggestions here.
When deciding on a manufacturer, you should keep in mind your location and the country the armor comes from. Minimize shipping and, more importantly, customs.
All good suggestions here.
When deciding on a manufacturer, you should keep in mind your location and the country the armor comes from. Minimize shipping and, more importantly, customs.
Thanks. I sent an email yesterday to Far Away Creations and haven't heard back yet. I checked out RS' website but they only list a full commission suit for 4k pounds. I didn't have any luck finding the other recommended names on this thread.
Thanks. I sent an email yesterday to Far Away Creations and haven't heard back yet. I checked out RS' website but they only list a full commission suit for 4k pounds. I didn't have any luck finding the other recommended names on this thread.
bobafettaz , here you go:

Wasted Fett


I dont know the vendor that Funkyred threw in. Maybe he can point you towards it?

Thats the first time I've heard that the RS armor is the most accurate. Not critical just curious. Where do we get that assessment from?
bobafettaz , here you go:

Wasted Fett


I dont know the vendor that Funkyred threw in. Maybe he can point you towards it?

Thats the first time I've heard that the RS armor is the most accurate. Not critical just curious. Where do we get that assessment from?
Thank you!
Thats the first time I've heard that the RS armor is the most accurate. Not critical just curious. Where do we get that assessment from?

I sculpted the chest armour for RS, it took me a few months to get it where I wanted because no other armour at the moment had the original feel and asymmetry of the original IMO. I believe I also sculpted the cod, but I cannot remember if the collar and back was my work or not as I was also sculpting the back and cod of bobamaker's Jango at the same time.
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