Where to find Jango vest?

hey, don't know of any out there, and not sure if my suggestion is going to work...but, it'll give ya an idea. here is what i'm bout to do. i went into the fabric store down the street, and saw this awesome blueish/greyish/charcoleish vinal for sale. i'm probably going to get a butt load of that material and go to the local seamstress, and have her make me a custom fully padded vest. i'm going to giver her some pics, and let her have at it. now, i'm not sure how much it'll be, but, hopefully it won't be too much. ;) hope this works.
thksdad said:
hey, don't know of any out there, and not sure if my suggestion is going to work...but, it'll give ya an idea. here is what i'm bout to do. i went into the fabric store down the street, and saw this awesome blueish/greyish/charcoleish vinal for sale. i'm probably going to get a butt load of that material and go to the local seamstress, and have her make me a custom fully padded vest. i'm going to giver her some pics, and let her have at it. now, i'm not sure how much it'll be, but, hopefully it won't be too much. ;) hope this works.

I plan to do that myself. my mom is very good when it comes to fabrics. but still, can a t-shirt pattern work?

oh yea, forgot to mention, is there a tutorial or pattern for making a custome jumpsuit?
I would think a T shirt pattern will work just the same. but, to let you know...be sure to make the bottom of the vest a little longer...just to make sure it will be secure under all the belts. you don't want your vest comming out when wearing your costume...i did this by accident one time....;)
oh, and as far as the jumpsuit...i believe most just buy a white suit off the net, and dye to the color of their desire...as far as i know...there isn't one...but, try searching for jumpsuit patterns.
Might as well just post this. maybe i should make a new thread. ah, well,

after fun on the holidays, i decided to make my own jumpsuit. since i didn't have any patterns and there were no tutorials to making jumpsuit, i decided to copy patterns of clothes i already have at home. i've already made some pants, a bit big too. this is just my experiment, my final pants will be made from... some fabric, i forgot what it was called, the fabric that doesn't shrink if you put it in the washing machine. well, here are the pictures.

Jango pants.jpg
Looking good Qman. As for the T-shirt pattern, that is what i did, but didn't use the sleeves. I made the shoulder Parts from my shoulder armor. I used a zipper on the back to secure the vest to myself. Goodluck!
Thanks askywalker!

i think i'll make the top part of the jumpsuit, even though this thread is about vests. i'll try to make the vest when i'm finished with my jumpsuit project. until then, i'll show you my progress with the upper body.
What a stroke of luck! i put my pants i made in the washing machine, and guess what! it didn't shrink!!:D i also made a the upper body part (no armholes though, looks like a vest:lol: ), and also put it in the cleaner. i think the clothes i made will be my final. Right now, for some strange reason, i can't find my digital camera. until then, i can't post any pics of my progress

Qman101 said:
anyone know where they sell any vests that looks like jango's? if vests are custom made, can a T-shirt pattern work?

I think StarFortress Productions makes a fairly accrate vest, but Im noot sure as I have never owned one myself. I wasnt impressed with their Boba Fett vest.
Well, actually, to tell u the truth, i never bought anything online before. I think they don't sell any vests like what i'm looking for at department stores, so that's why i trying to do a vest myself. of course, until i can get some Fabric. Meanwhile, u can check my progress with my custom jumpsuit work, even though this thread is meant to be where to find it. Though, u think i should start a new thread showing how i did my custom jumpsuit? i already posted some pants i made.
Mandalorian Creator said:
I think StarFortress Productions makes a fairly accrate vest, but Im noot sure as I have never owned one myself. I wasnt impressed with their Boba Fett vest.
Starfortress is a bad word on this site, if you buy from them don't come crying to us:cry . If you want a good vest post in the cargo hold area and have people PM you with photo's and prices. And yes Jango's vest in MUCH longer than Boba's on the bottom, it tucks into his belt.
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