What do I use on a Rubies Bucket????


I have a rudies Boba Fett helmet. I've cut out the area for the T visor but not sure want to use to hold it in place. I've seen different threads and sites that say JB Weld but I'm not sure how the pvc material of the helmet react or if it'll melt. You guys know everything. So PLEASE help
I used JB Weld on my DP95 and had no problems. It was made out of vinyl, I think rubies are made out of the same stuff.
I actually recommend JB Kwik over JB Weld. It's a little bit more brittle but you won't have to wait 6 hours for it to harden.

You could also try hot glue.
I used only a hot glue gun on my helmet, had no issues with it, only "problem" there might be is the little glue strings hanging off when your done glueing.
I recommend hot glue though, then again, my helm is fiberglass. Whatever you use, DO NOT get it on the actual visor.

What is the best way to do the layered battle damage. Some say tooth paste, mustard, and jelly. Does anyone have a good suggestion
You could use a hammer and then get a fiberglass one, ;). JB weld and hot glue work wonders. You could also use epoxy if you don't wanna ever remove it, or you could also go with a little bit of goop on the edges and smear that around the sides with a q tip.
I agree. The rubies was cheap but you get what you payfor. It was all bent out of shape. I had to send alot of time with a hair dryer and cold wet rag to get it in shape. How much are the fiber glass helmets?
Yeah, a sledgehammer'd work!:lol: Seriously though, shy away from using mustard at all as it'll stain certain colors like the silver I used. had to sand it all down and repaint! I found that Elmers Washable glue works if you put the glue on, let it dry and then paint it. Once the paint is dry, the glue peels right off easily-and it's not as messy as mustard or toothpaste. Make sure it's washable though in case you make a mess, it's easy to wip away...Good luck!

Before you t visor it make sure you first Bondo or fiberglass it to be one peice then but a welder's mask to make the T- visor out of. Sand it to smooth... that is hard then primer and repaint. last of all get a new stalk... preferrably an aluminum ( I know it's almost sacralige to waste one on a rubies) stalk and a resin peice for the end. last of all put in a fan at the brow to shoot your breath down toward your throat and out of your mask.

Of course I , personally would get the mysetry helmet ( I am saving my pennies now for one for my skirata variant). but those changes really do make an ok buy'ce IF the paint job is done well.
Thanks for the info. Sounds like rubies get no love around here. How much do the fiber glass buckets cost? I also don't want to have to do alot of bondo or resin work. Sanding I don't mind, but body work sux:)
I used two part liquid epoxy the first time, but on my MS I used the TK-409 epoxy putty method, which worked alot better IMO. Here is a pic of my Old retired and destroyed Rubies:


This is why the rubies doesn't get alot of love, compare the shape of these two helmets. I think the Bigger and sturdier FG helmets are well worth the money. Easier to work with, durable, and better shape
Nothing against Rubies, they're just small and confining to bigger folks like myself. As far as a fiberglass or resin helmet, you can pick up a mystery version for about $115-I could PM you his info, or virtually anyone else here could point you in his general direction...

Thanks for the info. Sounds like rubies get no love around here. How much do the fiber glass buckets cost? I also don't want to have to do alot of bondo or resin work. Sanding I don't mind, but body work sux:)
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