Well hello there...

Navajo Bro

New Hunter
Hey, I joined up not too long ago and have been browsing around but haven't really posted yet. Just wanted to say hi.

I've been a member of the 501st for a while now, part of (and VERY active in) the Northeast Remnant. I started with a TK, and last year completed both a TB and Shadow Scout. The Shadow Scout was my first real "scratch build". I had rough trimmed armor, but everything else was basically made myself (well, except the helmet and cummberbund - but I did modify it alot).

Recently my Garrison buddies and I pulled a bunch of Snowie armor, and I'm working on that as we speak. I'm doing both a regular TS and one in black (which I saw on the Special Ops board, he called it an "Ashtrooper" and it really looks sweet).

I happend across a beat up rubies Boba Fett helmet one day and scored it for like $25 I think, it was basically for my 3 yr old son to play with. I always wanted to do a Fett or Mandolorian, but with all my other projects and lack of funds (yes, I know how expensive a quality one can be :p) it really wasn't on the top of my list. But after getting that beat up bucket and putting it on, I SERIOUSLY got the bug!!

I plan on starting a slow accumulation of parts and I'm actually leaning towards a custom Mando. I'm on a TON of boards, and I'm sure I'll see some familiar faces here as well. I'll do my best to navigate and not be a pain, thanks again for having me! :cheers
welcome :cheers

would you happen to photos of your shadow scout and you current builds to share?

Sure do!! ;)

Here's the Shadow Scout build:
http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/bro117/Shadow Scout/?start=0

Biker Scout build:
http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/bro117/Biker Scout/?start=0

Snowtrooper build: (not much here yet)

Ashtrooper build: (not much here yet either, and the flash makes the different textures stand out and look off, in person they look alot better)
http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/bro117/Ash Trooper/

Stormtrooper pics:

Two most recent cons:
http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/bro117/NY Comic Con 2008 501st/

http://s199.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/bro117/Wizard World Philly 2008/

Have fun lookin' around. If you back out to the main "bro117" album I believe you can see everything I have in there, which would be tons of 501st Events and stuff :)
Some of the "build" threads may not make sense in and of themselves. I would be working on it and then either have a question or take a pic to answer a question then post it on the various boards I was on at the time. But you can see a lot of what I did and what the final product was. The con pics will show the most recent and complete costume products :)
great suits! I like the shadow theme you have going there....8)

Thanks :D

I wanted a TX and the Biker is WAY easier to troop in than a TK. Plus the shadow kit was being offered for a dirt cheap price, and I wanted to try a build from as close to scratch as possible.

The Snowies came from in Garrison - one of the guys has the molds and one has a sweet vacuum forming table. Again, I can't take credit for the Ashtrooper, I saw it here :http://s11.zetaboards.com/501st_Spec_Ops_Det/topic/142120/1/#new
around the same time we were planning the party, so we got some black ABS and pulled it for me and a few other guys. This is another learning experience, as I'm doing it from basically nothing but an existing mold...everything else is going to be done by me 8)
WOW the ashtrooper is going to look amazing! shadow units are my favorite (not that my name implies that...;)) and i hope to possibly do an utapau shadowtrooper one day (or maybe even a ashtrooper now). keep us updated on your progress!
Wow! I cant wait to see that Ashtrooper, thats hardcore looking! The biker scout is my 2nd favorite set of armor from SW... gotta love the shadow variant of it! haha. Great suits man! Welcome!

lol, TKOptimus, awesome dude, and welcome!

Ha, forgot about that. I was snapping some pics and my son came over with his Optimus helmet and wanted to switch. :lol:



I have an original Gammorean Guard mask from the '80s that I wore for Halloween one year and once and a while I'll throw it on for laughs. I was at WWE and there was two members from Indiana, one of which had a sweeeeeet Gammorean Guard. I threw it on for some pics, but man was it hot! That '80s stuff just doesn't breathe



There were also some armor makers from the Halo games (don't kill me if I'm off, I haven't played them so I'm clueless). They wanted me to put on the Spartan or Master Chief or whatever it is helmet...


Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome, I look forward to getting to know you all better :cheers
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