Want a Bo Katan .stl


New Hunter
Hi all,

I am terrible on forums, I have never really managed to get to grips.
However I am a keen 3d printed and have done some pretty good helmets to date, however my daughter wants a Bo Katan helmet.
Cool says I.
I search and eventually a download a file from Nikko Industries, Looks the biz,

However after i print it, I got the scaling so very wrong, my fault etc. However upon reflection I don't think the dimensions of the helmet are, shall we say what I'm looking for. The brow to top of head looks too high, and the general dimensions seems too big, to my eye.
Do any of you experts have any recommendations for an accurate stl.
Also money is tight so if anyone knows of any free ones I may have missed, all the better. But being as its for my daughter I had best get an accurate file I suppose.
Your help would be appreciated
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