Visor ?

Sir BobaFett

New Hunter
Visor ?.. other stuff

Hi :)

I'm in desperate need of a visor for my helmet ( due to a little mishap it is in need of some structural support :facepalm ), whilst I prefer to make stuff myself I think it really needs one now and not when I have worked out how to make the thing which could and probably will be a fair time from now :lol:

Any good suggestions ?

Thanks in advance


Also ... Does anyone have the measurements for the Don Post Deluxe ? as I am wanting to make my helmet the same sort of size :thumbsup:
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I bought 2 visors off of that ebay guy. They were very nice and he shipped exceptionally quickly. I also have bought a few things off of Bobamaker. He is a great guy to work with and as these guys said - his stuff it top notch. You can't go wrong either way.
Thanks everyone :)

Looks like I'll have to go with BobaMakers visor :thumbsup: .. they look alright and Three Mil seems like it will be thick enough.
According to his site people cannot see your face through them is that the case ?

Yes, it is true. I have several helmets (including a Bobamaker) with his visor and you can't be seen through them. (They're also good with protecting against the sun! 8) )
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