
Well-Known Hunter

I would like to know what color is the ESB visor ??? Dark green ??? or smoked ???

Who sells the best ones.. for a MS3 ??

Benkenove said:

I would like to know what color is the ESB visor ??? Dark green ??? or smoked ???

Who sells the best ones.. for a MS3 ??


Dark Green.

They sell them on Ebay. Search for T-visor.
Yessir.. Dark green

Open your local phonebook, check to see if there are any Welding supply companies close to you, give them a call and ask if they have Green saftey face shield's, donot get the darker one (#5 shade) as it's way too dark and will cost about 10.00 more, the one you want should run about 6$.

Cuts easily with a good pair of scissors. I suggest using a piece of craft papper, place it in the helmet and trace your opening onto it, use that as a template to mark where your going to cut the visor. remember to give some overlap on the inside so you have a good lip to glue to.
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