TK-409 Vest *MORE PICS* UPDATE 1/24

Trooper TK409

Active Hunter
Beginning at the end of December, Heidi started making the revised prototype which is the version she is making for anyone who has ordered one. The revision involves cleaning up the fit on the shoulders and making the arm holes bigger to accomodate the jumpsuit. I'm very happy with it and I think you will be too. This also shows the cotton sateen fabric she'll be using for those without their own.


Heidi has begun receiving your custom material and will begin right away. Be sure to include your shoulder and chest measurement in addition to your actual shirt size. Here's a measurement guide for help.


Heidi is now taking all orders regardless if you have material or not. I shopped around and found a good "cotton sateen" material that has a light sheen and great color .

See the photo below for her color.
Also, please send your shirt size (M, L, XL) and your measurements:
1. shoulder-to-shoulder
2. chest (all the way around your chest under your arms.)

UPDATE 12/28
My sister Heidi also anticipated the issue on the low shoulder caps and said they will now be raised and slightly puffier to look more like these:

The vest will also include the jet pack harness slits in the back and will come without velcro. This way you can do the snap method - easy!

The price will be $60 + $5 shipping. Heidi will do Mediums and Larges for those who already have their own fabric first. She can start right away on those with a Paypal to Don't forget to specify Med or Lg.

For those without their own fabric, watch this thread for an update for when she's ready for those.
Thanks :D
- Chris

Hey! My sister made me a new separate vest to go with Mrs. TK-409's Neckseal. Cool! I still have to add the back slits for the jet pack harness - but that's easy - with the missus' help of course! I will weather it a bit, but this is just to show the structure and fit. For reference, I'm a medium.

It's got a velcro closure for the back and I'll use snaps for attaching the armor. In the photos, the armor is just taped to the vest for reference.

For snap help, click here and here

Let me know what you honestly think - and if you'd change anything. My sister said she'd like to offer these to TDH members as well and she's got plenty of time to do them. Price would be around $65 - possibly lower.

- Chris
Honest opinion, ''BINGO I found my tailor soon I will contact you for a neckseal and vest ROTJ style. Can the taylor use my fabric material.BTW excellent job.
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Looks great. I still have the vest fabric offered early this year by Lee and BobaFettish, can your sister use my fabric to make the vest??

Also, are the shoulder sleeves on your vest quilted??

The only thing I can see that can be improved is that the sleeves are a bit too low, I think they should sit a bit higher and that the lower front of the accurate ROTJ vest is about 1 inch longer than the back side of the vest.

Check out this pictures on the REF CD

LMK what you think. :)
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ohhh my god man!

Your soft parts never cease to amaze me! Your capes, neckseals, and this!

Keep it up buddy
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Glad you like it guys, this is the second prototype I had her do. You know, the slightly lower shoulders were the thing I thought should be revised too. Good call. :thumbsup:

The shoulders are quilted - see here. Do those look ok or are you guys thinking they need to be puffier?

Here's the reference photo I used showing the front and back meeting up on the side - to me it looks like it's straight across:
On your ref pic, it looks like the vest is just caught on the belt.

And, yes, she can make it from any fabric you want.

Defiler wrote:

Looks great. I still have the vest fabric offered early this year by Lee and BobaFettish, can your sister use my fabric to make the vest??

Also, are the shoulder sleeves on your vest quilted??

The only thing I can see that can be improved is that the sleeves are a bit too low, I think they should sit a bit higher and that the lower front of the accurate ROTJ vest is about 1 inch longer than the back side of the vest.

Check out this pictures on the REF CD

LMK what you think. :)
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Looks great, but as Bobafettish once told me with my vest, that top corner of the shoulder bell needs to come up and line across with the top of the chest armor, as in this pic already posted..

So that shoulder needs to be moved up for it to happen.
As mentioned above as well, the sleeve needs to be shorter so that the lower portion of the sleeve meets up with the mid corner of the bell.

Looks good other wise.

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that looks pretty sweet to me. I'd like to see it with the belts on to see how close it comes to them. I know I need to size everything I have down a few inches because my ab plate meets the top of my ammo belt.
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Cool, LMK when can I send you my fabric and the total ammount.
Please PM me any details. :)
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Let me know if an ESB version of this has been (or will be) done so I can take a gander at a photo of two to see what sort of color and material would be used.

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I'm VERY interested in a vest, but I'll have to wait until BobaFettish's vest material gets here. I picked up 3 yards of it, so I hope that's enough for me (I'm a very small dude). Anyway, I'm keeping my eye on this thread. :D As always, Chris, your stuff looks amazing! Nice work! :cheers
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Sorry for my ignorance, but what's the difference between ESB and ROTJ?

Also, you'll need to send 2.5 yards as recommended by BobaFettish.
- Chris

OverKill wrote:

Let me know if an ESB version of this has been (or will be) done so I can take a gander at a photo of two to see what sort of color and material would be used.

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Chris... the different (at least on my screen) is the ESB is a dark in appearance than the ROTJ colored vest.

Maybe its just the way my graphics card is translating things... I can pop the movies in tomorrow and see if I can tell if the difference is the same there.

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