Tie Helmet lens??


Active Hunter
Rookie here:o

Anyone here know where to get tinted lens for the Sgt.Fang Tie helmet? or a solution such as something from the hardware store? If it were something from the hardware store(tinted plastic), how would I make it fit to the curvature of the eye.


If you can get 3mm acrlyc sheet you just cut the 2 parts out to fit each.
2mm is too thin, 4mm too thick

Get several spoons from your kitchen and look for one that just about fits inside.

Using tongs, hold the cut part (not too close or it'll burn), over a flame or heat it up somehow until it starts to warp under it's own weight.

Then take this molten sheet and use the spoon to press the shape into the eye.
Leave it cool and bingo! a lovely curved lense.

There is a trick to gettign this spot on so you can see out of the part you look through but the rest is bubbled.
I do have this as tutorial on the UK Garrison boards or you can mail me and I'll mail it over to you :)

If you can get 3mm acrlyc sheet you just cut the 2 parts out to fit each.
2mm is too thin, 4mm too thick

Get several spoons from your kitchen and look for one that just about fits inside.

Using tongs, hold the cut part (not too close or it'll burn), over a flame or heat it up somehow until it starts to warp under it's own weight.

Then take this molten sheet and use the spoon to press the shape into the eye.
Leave it cool and bingo! a lovely curved lense.

There is a trick to gettign this spot on so you can see out of the part you look through but the rest is bubbled.
I do have this as tutorial on the UK Garrison boards or you can mail me and I'll mail it over to you :)

Thanks for the tips sl/tk8456, PM'd you about the tutorial. And GCNgamer128 not sure who BM is. I'll take the info if I cant figure anything else out.:thumbsup:
there's a guy on the rpf making them. I ordered 2 pairs, just waiting for them to get here.

If it matters, I was the guy on the RPF making them. I'm mailing the last of them on Monday and I'll be overseas for a while so I'm not going to be able to take any more orders for a while. I should be back in business in August or thereabouts.
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