t-visors uk?????


New Hunter
does anyone know where to obtain a visor for mee bucket,i know bobamaker sells them, but fancied making one or two me self.if anyone from the uk has done this could you please tell me where you got the acrilic or welding mask visor , i want to try and keep this as cheap as possiblie for now :)
get a piece of plexi-glas, saw it in the right form (or dremmel it out) and bend it.

then spray some shiny black tamiya on the inside.

worked for me.

check if the paint thing works on a scrap piece of plexi-glas, as some tend to make a blurry mess of things
lasruin said:
does anyone know where to obtain a visor for mee bucket,i know bobamaker sells them, but fancied making one or two me self.if anyone from the uk has done this could you please tell me where you got the acrilic or welding mask visor , i want to try and keep this as cheap as possiblie for now :)

Heck, there for under 10 quid posted!
You wont find a better t-visor than Bobamakers in the UK...;)
trust me, i've search far and wide and had to order through the states("cheers JD":thumbsup: ) in the past to get a suitable tinted weilding visor, as theres nothing but clear ones here in the UK...

FOR UNDER A TENNER! :eek: :eek: :eek:
What do you expect to find suitable for less?:confused
Particularly as the buckets the most important element to a costume??

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Yep, bobamakers t-visor is very good ...if i could only get it to fit into my helmet (mi bucket is a bit bented..) he is very helpful, and is very nice!!
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