
I have done both the welding visor and ordered from T-visor. You will be fine either way. One thing to be sure about though when ordering from T-visor is to know what helmet you have. Since they are pre-cut you don't want to order one that is too short.

If you cut out your own then it isn't much of an issue. Be prepared to trim the ones from T-visor though, each helmet is just enough different that they need some adjustments.
I ordered mine from t-visor. And I love it. It came super fast. The only thing is that I scratch built my helmet so a little trimming was needed (not much tho), but for the price totally worth it.
If you're in pursuit for accuracy, then you need a dark grey visor and not a dark green (the dark green is ROTJ SE/AoSW/CIV specific).
No Rafal's is ESB helmet and the ESB helmet has a green shield , (though I think at the time of filming it was a smoked one when filming ESB(not ROTJ SE) )
And b4 any one says no ESB fett has green shield here are a couple of the many shots showing other wise , though none in ESB show it as green Boba-Fett-Costume-Empire-Strikes-Back-13.jpgBoba-Fett-Costume-Empire-Strikes-Back-Hallway-06.jpgbut thats whole other thread
were are you from , Ive green face sheilds though if your not in Aus (and its likely you arnt) use the link that Jabox posted
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Almost done hardening, fixing little dents and such with bondo at the moment. Ill start a thread with my progress rafal. But I am making it into a rotj helm. thanks for all the help guys.
Hello Mrpanicm, my experience with T-visor.com was very good!!!!!, check my work with my helmet in his bucket gallery, my photo is name Peter Snow from Maracay Venezuela.

The real helmet tip is......... you must have your helmet and later choose the T-visor size......., you can choose from 4 size types............
hopes helps you ..............

T-Visor.com - Bucket Galley

or my bucket to see my Jango....

Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

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