suit, clothes???

I went with a 2 piece - work pants and a work shirt.

If you need an easy way to get the double sleeves and don't mind the extra layer, go with a short sleeve work shirt over top of a long sleeve work shirt.

Post tenebras, Lux!
If it's a custom, I wouldn't think so. I don't wear the t-shirt over the other one. Heck, sometimes I'm lucky to even remember to put the other one on under the, don't ask.

Of course, if you want to stand out, you could wear just the t-shirt under the armor similar to montross. I don't see many mandos that way.
What is the best thing to use for the suit, or clothes you wear?

I tend to only wear suits for special occasions, wedding, funerals, etc... day to day, it's jeans and polo shirts. Sometimes when I'm felling down right DANDY, I wear a neckercheif... not to be confused with "chef" which happens sometimes while typing very fast and I think to myself... "I'm duuuuuuuuumb"

Get it, "chef".... "cheif".... I get it:lol:

(Edit) Oh wow, post #400... I'm hot stuff tonight!
AS for the double sleves, it's a great place to tuck your hoses into if you're going to have gauntlets. I know for a fact that SEEKER uses a 2 piece suit and I was thinking aobut having 1 tailored for my new project. If you go back and look through Open Seasons again, you will find that every Mandalorian in the comic is shown with double sleeves, Montross happens to roll his up to let his forearms show. So in my humble opinion, I think you should have double sleeves. Now as for colors that go with blue, there's always charcoal gray or black (too many customs seem to go with it) but I think that you could possibly go with even a darker or lighter blue.
If you go back and look through Open Seasons again, you will find that every Mandalorian in the comic is shown with double sleeves, Montross happens to roll his up to let his forearms show. So in my humble opinion, I think you should have double sleeves.

I don't want to argue the point too much but I think you may be in error on this point.
Here are some direct scans that show that Jaster in Issue #2 doesn't have double sleeves.




Even Viszla doesn't have double sleeves in this issue:

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I don't want to argue the point too much but I think you may be in error on this point.
Here are some direct scans that show that Jaster in Issue #2 doesn't have double sleeves.




Even Viszla doesn't have double sleeves in this issue:


I've noticed that the artist was a bit lazy in some of his illustrations. There are hints of a double sleeve in your pics, it's just not pronounced. Comics really rely on storyline rather than accurate pictures for each cel. If you think about it, most Mandalorians have hoses to connect to things such as a flame thrower and grappling hooks. It just looks better to have the double sleeve to hide the connections, that's what we have learned from looking at Boba and Jango pictures, real life applications of comic style renderings.
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ok, I finished it as best I could from the descrip you gave me. What do you think? I'll change it if you want me to. I used the same pic that I used for my avatar.

I'm sorry for the poor quality, I'm still learning how to do this.

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