Starting my first set of armor (trash can)

Okay. re-hello. when I arrived on the forum, I found this page of advices for a beginner: Pick an eye, it's full of informations for a beginner. But I suggest you to take your time, don't rush into the realisation until the design phase is not complete. you risk to spent a lot of money, and will have a bad-looking armor.

I heard that you want to recreate the Awarru Tark armor? he's the one who wanted to kill Lord vader, isn't he? but I can't remember his armor. could you post a pic of his armor, it will be easier for everyone to help you.
I know. That's why I asked you! But... Wait a minute... Bingo! :thumbsup:
Founded on

Not the best pic to see the armor, but it's better than nothing! ;)
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