Special edition Fett Helmet


New Hunter
Just received my Boba helmet from Bobamaker (highly recommended). Was hoping if i possibly ask for good clear reference pics of the helmet as it appeared in the special edition of Star Wars. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks heaps
The ANH SE had Boba in the ROTJ armor/helmet with the shoulder bells swapped but the layout of armor/helmet that is most commonly referred to as the SE is the ESB helmet as Deadland stated which was the setup in the ROTJ SE.

Here is a link to the Boba reference section of the gallery.
Boba Fett
I'm a little confused, I've heard a lot of people say that the ANH SE is the ROTJ body with an ESB bucket, but the SE bucket has red kill stripes like ROTJ. You can see it clearly in the stills. Am I missing something ? The silver damage where the kill stripes start in the front matches ROTJ, not ESB. Compare these pics in the gallery, RotJ_HD_018 Executor Bridge 12b, and SE_ANH_02 Also, the cape is hung from a different point, almost off of the jetpack or back armor, it's not hanging from a shoulder stud. I made an ESB, so I haven't really looked at the others too closely until now, but the ANH SE at least has the kill stripe area like the Jedi bucket. Even the greens are different,. Where did the ESB as SE bucket story start ? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm going by the pics. Where do you see yellow killstripes in ANH ? I'm not trying to pick a fight, I honestly don't see where the paint job looks like ESB.

Thanks to anyone who has different pics to straighten this out.
Fett4real, thank you for that explanation, and yes, I'm now a doofus : ) I didn't read that post correctly and my other mistake was that when I hear SE Boba, I think ANH, never ESB or RotJ, mainly because I consider the original ESB the real Fett.

Sorry everyone, ( as I slink under the carpet to avoid notice ..... )
I probably could have worded that in a better way. My apologies for confusing you. That's what I get for trying to comment on too many threads at once. You're not a doofus and if anyone does tell you that you are...I'll go Boba on their butts.
A true "SE" (as in ROTJ:SE) costume is an ROTJ suit with an ESB helmet yes, but it also means an extra 4 ammo pouches on the belt and the battle damaged jetpack from Han's strike with the Force Pike. If you don't have ALL those things on your costume, than you are not really an "SE"....you are just an ROTJ wearing an incorrect helmet.

Thanks Tx ! It wasn't really you that had confused me, I was on our Garrison's board recently and one guy was talking about the SE Fett so I assumed it was the ANH. I never even think of RotJ I guess because Fett was always in it, and for some reason I mentally block out the added Fett material. Good Golly ! who would have thought there would be so many Boba s ! ? !
Thanks Tx ! It wasn't really you that had confused me, I was on our Garrison's board recently and one guy was talking about the SE Fett so I assumed it was the ANH. I never even think of RotJ I guess because Fett was always in it, and for some reason I mentally block out the added Fett material. Good Golly ! who would have thought there would be so many Boba s ! ? !
Well Boba wasn't originally in ANH until the Special Editions.
They basically went:

ILM Worker 1: Oh, let's go get some Boba stuff for that scene George is so bent on doing.
ILM Worker 2: How does it go together?
ILM Worker 1: Lol idk.
ILM Worker 2: There are a lot of pieces here, wut do we do
ILM worker 1: lol wut? just fill up a box and let's go.
And also only one hose on all your gauntlets(top right) as well.

GCNgamer's rendition is almost certainly how it went down lol.
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