snap palcement

Easy, I used heavy duty industrial strength velcro. Sewed one side to my vest and the other was stuck to the armour plates and... Bob(a)'s your uncle.
i have the snaps for the things that are more likely to pop off like the leg armor pieces, and industrial strength velcro for the chest armor, and a snap or two for the chest as well

now i cut out the kama a few days ago or last week or something, but i have that figured out.

BUT I need help on my cape now, i cut it out, now i just need an idea on how to wear it, i honestly dont wanna do the boba fett method, so any other ideas?
i have the snaps for the things that are more likely to pop off like the leg armor pieces, and industrial strength velcro for the chest armor, and a snap or two for the chest as well

now i cut out the kama a few days ago or last week or something, but i have that figured out.

BUT I need help on my cape now, i cut it out, now i just need an idea on how to wear it, i honestly dont wanna do the boba fett method, so any other ideas?

anyone with cape ideas?



Well here are my snaps. My armor is not going anywhere! Thanks again to Crazy4bobafett for all her help. LOL remember Christi HOW fun that was?:lol: you don't want to hang your cape from your shoulder stud (ala boba?) How about using it as a dust skirt?
i already wear a kama, i just need some ideas for the cape

thanks gonzo, those pics help alot!

hey orthar could you show pics of your armor placement with the velcro please?
Between epoxying in my visor and trying to make sure I place all the snaps in place on my first try are the things I'll be procrastinating on for a long time to come-especially my visor! I'd almost ship it off to someone trustworthy and pay them to do that than stress over trying it myself. I think the snaps will be easier for me, I still want to do it right, rather than doing it twice...The pics above will certainly help out. I think I'm going to go with a combination of industrial velcro and snaps just so I don't have to keep slapping on armor plates that keep falling off of me in my wake-how embarrassing is that?

In 30-odd troops (including one memorable week long event in London's WestEnd) I've never had any velcro'd armour fall off. I must stress though that that's the industrial strength stuff not the rubbish that you find in your local supermarket.
I've not used the industrial velcro yet although I have bought a couple packs of it recently to test it out on my helmet liner. I'd seen someone velcro in their helmet liner (hard hat liner) so they could take it out easily if need be. So when they say industrial quality velcro, they actually mean it then Orthar? Usually, you hear how rough and tough a companies products may be, but when you try it out, it's not worth two dead flies...Hopefully it'll work on my bucket liner-I'll keep you posted if it does when I get to it...

brought this thread back, i am still confused between snaps and velcro

snaps you have to be exact, with velcro, its kinda like a rough idea

i just dontk now
Cylrul Pbz, I'm in the same boat as you. Once I get my vest I'll sit down, figure it out, and let you know. I don't know how effective velcro will be with my metal armor so I'm going to just use snaps.
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