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Does anyone know anything about Versacel or Cel-Tec as an alternative to using Sintra for armor? I was told by the sales person at Min Plastics that these two plastics are the same as Sintra. Both were also about $9.00 cheaper than Sintra for 1/8" thick 4'x8' sheet.

Aloha, Gregg
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Yea, Sintra I think is just a brand name. The other two plastics are probably the same, just cheaper because of the brand name thing. You shouldn't have any problems going with the cheaper plastic. Good Luck!
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You kno' da kind Bra! :lol:

When working with sintra, you can use hot water, or a hair dryer on the highest setting, or a heat gun/paint stripper on lower setting. The sintra bends only one way, up/down or side to's just the characteristics of the material.

Good luck, ;)

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Yeah, Sintra is just the brand name for PVC foam board. Just like Coke is the brand name for Cola.
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Thanks guys. It's always good when you can save a few bucks.

Bruddah Neil, where were you stationed?

Mahalo again, Gregg.
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I'm currently looking at two sources of Mandalorian armor plates and I was certain which I was going to buy from until I thought to pose a question to one of the sources. It hadn't occured to me until some time last week that the diff armor sets might be made of diff materials (big DUH now that I think of it). Anyway, it turns out that one set (going for $235) is styrene and the other (going for $300) is sintra. Both sets contain the same parts: chest/back plates, cod piece, and leg/boot armor. I have essentially 0 experiece when it comes to both of these materials, so I'm not sure which of the two is stronger. Any help would be appreciated. Thnx.
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Honestly, you could save yourself a lot of $ to use somewhere else on your costume and make your own armor like a lot of us are doing. Just a thought.
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Actually, I was just thinking the same thing. Thnx to Secol, I now have the Mandalorian Blueprints, so I have the opportunity to attempt my own.
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Build your own.
I used styrene as well.I had 0 problems.I have never worked
with any plastic before.It's very easy.You can get A full sheet for around $50.00.If you mess up the first time around,
hell you hae A whole sheet.Buy the sheet.Save the extra money
you will need it down the road.GOOD LUCK
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I have used both, I used sintra for my chest armor, and knees, and i have vaccuformed styrene for the rest. I definatley like styrene, just cause vaccuformin is just so fun. THANKS FOR TEACHIN ME RICHIE!!!
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$50 a sheet? Whoa....when I bought my styrene a 1/8" thick sheet 4'x8' was only $25. I ended up buying three sheets of 1/8", 2 sheets of 1/16", and 1 sheet of 1/32" for all the different parts. I think my total was around $100. Oh yeah, the styrene was great fun to vacuform! Woo-Hoo! What a kick in the butt watching the plastic get sucked down around the molds! :)
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What can I buy at Home Depot to glue sintra to sintra?
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Seriously Bear?
Does it bond tightly? I am using it to attach my dart thingies to my knee armor.
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I would recommend screwing your knee darts on to your knee armor. As for glue, any that works on plastics. Go to your nearest hobby store and they can help you.
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I was serious. it holds very tight. let it set for 24hours like the tube says an it bonds perfectly.
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I've used crazy glue on all my sintra parts so far, but I havent done my knee guards yet. It holds SUPER tight and there isn't any excess glue comming out. Do tests first. Try it on scrap pieces of sintra.

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I second Dieter in that you should definitely screw those darts on if you have the means. Mine are wood so it's much easier than say, metal.

For sintra I might try a two part epoxy. There's this seriously nice stuff you can get at home depot in the adhesive section. It's a contraption with two tube and one push plunge. One tube is creamy white the other is more clear. They come out together and they don't come apart. I glued metal magnets to my sintra with this stuff and it's awesome.

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