Shedding "Light" on a great Member


New Hunter
Just wanted to say I got back from Empire Fan Fest and everybody loved the Shackman lights I had in my chest armor.

If anybody really wants to add that extra dose of realism to their costume, definitely send him a PM. He's very cool and very professional.

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Awww ... I'm blushing. No, really ... ;)

Thanks for the compliments guys. Glad y'all like 'em.

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Not to sound like a newbie but can someone post a pic of what it looks like. Thanks.
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Remo Locke wrote:

Not to sound like a newbie but can someone post a pic of what it looks like. Thanks.

Yeah , I second that notion. I am currently running a simple flash on/flash off system I rigged myself and I am less than satisfied with it.
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Members -

I know this topic is a couple of pages into the forum, but I just received my Shackman lights and I can only echo the already deserving praise to this incredible mod to any Boba Fett project!

Thanks, ATM!!!
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I have a quick question for the Fett experts (which in my opinion is anyone knowledgeable to use this incredible site to build their own Fett) who have previously purchased my chest lights.

Once installed, are the last two LEDs in the top row visible? I know using the "correct" slot sizes, that the far right edge of the alphanumeric characters (bottom LEDs) are not visible, which is why the last character is designed the way it is. If this is the case, my understanding is that the top row is the same (far right edge not visible).

Can someone clarify this for me? If I'm right, I have a set I may put up for sale (I'll explain more later). :)


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hmm, all my lights are visable...i cut my slots to fit ur lights...besides whos gonna pull out a ruler? to check a few mm's

anyway, just FYI...these ligths work underwater....i fell facefirst into a river recently...lights still working!!!!

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Praise to his lights!...They are just cool. I bought them thru another member here and im very pleased. Keep up the good work!
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bh-7603 wrote:

anyway, just FYI...these ligths work underwater....i fell facefirst into a river recently...lights still working!!!!


First of all, thanks to all for the kind words about my work. However, bh-7603, as glad as I am that you AND the lights survived the fall, I don't think I'll market them as water-proof. ;)

As far as the "correct" slot size, I guess what I'm wondering is about those who use the measurements posted in another thread (guess I'll have to dig it up). My understanding is that the far right of the display is covered by the edge of the armor, but that it's how the actual movie suit was as well. I'm just trying to figure out if this is correct or not. Here's the reason:

One of my parts suppliers was out of a patr I needed, so I turned to the other. THAT supplier had the one part,but BARELY enough of another ... the rectangular LEDs for the top row. They said they had 20 in-stock, which is what's needed for one set. When they arrived, it turned out they only had 18. Now,the rectangular LEDs from my two suppliers are both great, and look the same in operation, but are SLIGHTLY different in size. They're just different enough that you can see the difference when placed side-by-side (such as when mounted). So I went ahead and built a set using the 18 lights with the understanding of the right side being covered, as I posted. If my understanding is correct, I could sell these a bit cheaper than a standard set. If not, it'll take 8 - 10 weeks (estimated) for the supplier to get more of thes exact same LEDs.

And if anyone IS interested, the lights function *just* like any other set, except that the last two LEDs on the right (top row) are missing. The sequencing and brightness on top and bottom rows are normal.

EDIT: Here's a thread I found about the slot sizes:

However, someone (or more than one) mentioned adjusting the slot size to perfectly fit my lights. If this is the case, then the last two LEDs being gone would be a problem. I thought most people were using the lights behind the MoM suit measurements ... is this wrong?


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I think the last two should be hidden by the armor. Heck, I would take a set of your lights even if the middle lights were gone :)
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