Active Hunter
Hi folks!
This is version 5 of my scratchbuilt Mandalorian helmet - none of the others made it this far!. The mould is made out of MDF, with car body filler, sanded down, but not primed. This is a test pull to see if it is feasible. And it worked! What a blast to see it suck down onto the mould! Actually, I was so busy getting it out of the oven and onto the platen, I didn't have time to see it form. It goes real quick.
It's made out of 2mm styrene, which here in NZ is more expensive than ABS, but heaps easier to work with! Big sheet of ABS in my shed if anyone wants to come and get it...
Next thing is to prime and paint the mould and fill in the ends of the squint, plus widen the squint by about 2 or 3 mm. Then I'l make the mould for the back.
I have never ever seen a helmet except in books and on the net, so it is all guesstimation, so please excuse any errors. But I've gotta say - I'm totally thrilled! I hope my son likes it. I'm doing it for his birthday next year - plus one for me, of course.
MDF and car body filler, shaped with belt sander and finished off with hand sanding. Plus beer.
Thanks again, Studiocreations! Your design is brilliant!
Sitting on the platen, spaced off the deck by 1/4"
The plastic sheet sucks right down onto the platen and gives a very effective seal. No need for foam stripping or anything like that.
The vacuum sucked a hole in the sheet on the left eye slit, but the plastic had formed by that stage.
Just taped together. I forgot to block off the end of the squint - will get that next time.
No claims to any sort of accuracy, folks! This is the first actual Fett helmet I've ever actually seen, and I'm stoked! (BTW - do you think the fact that it was definitely, absolutely not pulled off an original ESB might give it some sort of rarity value...)
Thanks for looking! Phil
This is version 5 of my scratchbuilt Mandalorian helmet - none of the others made it this far!. The mould is made out of MDF, with car body filler, sanded down, but not primed. This is a test pull to see if it is feasible. And it worked! What a blast to see it suck down onto the mould! Actually, I was so busy getting it out of the oven and onto the platen, I didn't have time to see it form. It goes real quick.
It's made out of 2mm styrene, which here in NZ is more expensive than ABS, but heaps easier to work with! Big sheet of ABS in my shed if anyone wants to come and get it...
Next thing is to prime and paint the mould and fill in the ends of the squint, plus widen the squint by about 2 or 3 mm. Then I'l make the mould for the back.
I have never ever seen a helmet except in books and on the net, so it is all guesstimation, so please excuse any errors. But I've gotta say - I'm totally thrilled! I hope my son likes it. I'm doing it for his birthday next year - plus one for me, of course.

MDF and car body filler, shaped with belt sander and finished off with hand sanding. Plus beer.
Thanks again, Studiocreations! Your design is brilliant!
Sitting on the platen, spaced off the deck by 1/4"
The plastic sheet sucks right down onto the platen and gives a very effective seal. No need for foam stripping or anything like that.
The vacuum sucked a hole in the sheet on the left eye slit, but the plastic had formed by that stage.
Just taped together. I forgot to block off the end of the squint - will get that next time.
No claims to any sort of accuracy, folks! This is the first actual Fett helmet I've ever actually seen, and I'm stoked! (BTW - do you think the fact that it was definitely, absolutely not pulled off an original ESB might give it some sort of rarity value...)

Thanks for looking! Phil