Scratch-built ESB blaster...

Reverend Scapegoat

Active Hunter
"Rush-job-tastic", this, but I might as well stick up some pics anyway :)

1 old Colt Python blank-firer ( Broken )
1 piece MDF ( About 1.5cm thick )
1 piece plastic pipe, white and roughly 4cm diameter
Silver paint
A small bolt

BRB with pics :)
so you are going to 'macgyver' a esb blaster?? Look forward to seeing this...
Reverend Scapegoat said:
1 old Colt Python blank-firer ( Broken )
1 piece MDF ( About 1.5cm thick )
1 piece plastic pipe, white and roughly 4cm diameter
Silver paint
A small bolt

BRB with pics :)
I'm really running out of time, and have got way more to do at the new house than I thought - So this has been sped up ( Since I only plan to carry it for a little while on hallowe'en then ditch it. )

Also, my epoxy seems to have gone bad somehow.
Electrician's tape!


Needs some more paint, too... Not QUITE done with it yet :)
:D actually... I think that looks pretty darn cool!!

the base gun looks pretty rigid.. something that's in a high level of importance to me since my own freakin thing broke... :p
Can't find any brown paint for the stock!!
Black non-slip, I think... It's textured, so should look good. Then another layer, I'll TRY to mix in some red, see if it'll work.
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