Score #2!!


Well-Known Hunter
Man, my Target was hooked up today. After my long searching, I finally found a McFett! I searched the entire rack, and came up empty. Then I noticed a figure wedged down in the back, between some of those spring action lightsabers, and it was a concept Fett! I couldn't believe it. Also found another McVader, and they had a bunch of the new battle packs including the Betrayal on Bespin. The ESB Boba is so cool, has the cat scratch on the bucket and everything.:thumbsup:
Awwwwww... You stole some kids hidden figure. I used to do that all the time when I was little. I had to make sure that it was there the 'next time', so I could bug my mom for it some more.
Hehe, yeah I thought of that too, cause I used to do it. It will actually be a good learning experience for the kid. Hiding it in the same section never works. The key is to go hide it in the girly section:lol:
Haha. Nice job mrgr8ness! Not to steal your thunder or anything, but I can one-up you- I just got back from the mall and I was in Kaybee and I snagged 1 McQuarrie Starkiller Hero and 2 McQuarrie Concept Boba Fetts! Brings up my total to 4 Fetts! (I opened one way back in like, May) Whoo! Anyone want to trade?


Well, my wife dragged me down to Ross clothing store tonight after dinner and after wandering around aimlessly for an hour I decided to stray away from the pack and look around the toy section for Xmas stuff. I looked high and low for 20 minutes and got all the way down the other end and I was just about to head back to the madness when I saw this. now, I'm not a huge toy collector just kept some of my original SW things from 77'. is this a good find? I couldn't pass it up besides he is sorta heavy and you can take the bucket on and off, move his arms and legs but I think I'll just leave him in the box for now. here's the kicker.... he was only $4.99????????????? wish they had more.



me too BF, besides cartoons have always had more of a hidden adult content in them one way or other. I miss the old days, waking up on a Saturday morning eating an oversized bowl of cereal and watching the Bugs Bunny Road Runner show while my parents were still sleeping in. ahhhh....those were the days.
Haha. Nice job mrgr8ness! Not to steal your thunder or anything, but I can one-up you- I just got back from the mall and I was in Kaybee and I snagged 1 McQuarrie Starkiller Hero and 2 McQuarrie Concept Boba Fetts! Brings up my total to 4 Fetts! (I opened one way back in like, May) Whoo! Anyone want to trade?


Very nice. I am up to 3 McVaders and only 1 McFett. I want to find another McFett so I can open one. I really want to get some of those protectors that you can put carded figures in. How much do they cost?
Very nice. I am up to 3 McVaders and only 1 McFett. I want to find another McFett so I can open one. I really want to get some of those protectors that you can put carded figures in. How much do they cost?

I have no idea. =) I bought some other figure a while back on ebay and it came with one. 3 Vaders eh? Thats not bad. I'm looking foward to the McQuarrie Rebel Soldier, and maybe finding another Snowtrooper. C-3P0 and R2-D2 would be cool to get, I just don't want to shell out the $20 for it. =)

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