rotj gauntlet help (UK)


Does anyone know where i could get a gauntlet set/kit in the uk? I'm trying to make my own from scratch but some kind of kit form would do for now just get my costume completed in time for my wife's party in the summer.

I bought mine from a guy (ebay handle frank-n-son) in the UK who offers ESB, ROTJ and Jangos, but beware as his stuff, although vacuformed and fibreglassed is not of high quality and the contact with them isn't also the best.
I wouldn't recommend buying from him, unless you don't find something else and are able to work on them and modify them it's still a solution to work with.
If you do, I would suggest that you buy a kit and not an assembled one, because I f.e. had much more work in the first place to disassemble the gauntlets for upgrading them as I had if I started with a kit (and it's a bit cheaper too).
:) look for Rufkintoy here on the board... dunno if hes from the states or UK... but I have a pair, looks great, got it in kit form.

good guy to do buiseness with aswell.

alot of people use rufkins...
i brought my gauntlets from uk ebayer frank-n-son too, theyre in kit form and i belive he still has one set left on ebay for £40 "buy it now" try searching 'boba fett armor'

yeah i probably will, i've not heard very good things about thim/them. I think I'll have to go with my orginall plan of adapting 2 cocktail shakers
Just on that note it took over 6 months for me to get gauntlets I won on ebay from this Frank and Son @#*+!!! :angry And I had to email and harass evey week to get them .Stay clear .

Fettism said:
Just on that note it took over 6 months for me to get gauntlets I won on ebay from this Frank and Son @#*+!!! :angry And I had to email and harass evey week to get them .Stay clear .


6 MONTHS!!!!:thumbsdown:
Why do People sell stuff they can't provide...Money does some crazy things to people.
as always, I say stick with Chuck (ruffkintoy)

His gauntlets are top-notch.
here's some pics(again:)) of chuck's that I assembled & painted.




Bactab0y said:
yeah i probably will, i've not heard very good things about thim/them. I think I'll have to go with my orginall plan of adapting 2 cocktail shakers

Cocktail shakers ?... sounds like a really good idea, I would never have thought of that :) I'm building mine up from cardboard and if they look alright after they are finished I'll try and make a mould so that I can have a nice fibre glass set
yeah i was going to use some beakers / glasses things but when i cut them up they were too small so i going to uses some cocktail shakers i saw in ASDA as there roughly the same shape but slightly bigger and longer. I post some pics if i ever get round to finishing my costume :facepalm
Good luck with that, and post some progress pics as you do them. I have a set of FrankandSon gauntlets and have had to do a fair bit of work to get them usable, and the fiberglass is a real pain! (literaly!). They're nice enough people but they do take some time to send (and even make) the products. I get the impretion they sell the item and then make it! Although he doesn't yet do gauntlets I'm buying all of my future components from Bobamaker. They're more expensive but of a much higher standard and so are well worth it.
if only he did do gauntlets! I got my flightsuit and flak vest from him and there spot on. I'd certainly buy the gauntlets off him if he did them!
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