Oooooohh boy, you're talking $1000 at least (if you're lucky)! And I've seen them go for as high as $3000

! Chances of finding one? IMHO....I think this depends alot on how lucky a person you are, being at the right place at the right time and all. My best advice is if you see one for sale, snatch it up, with whatever you have for money at the time (search for all that loose coinage in the sofa, take out that second mortgage on the house,.....sell a kidney

), or it's almost a guarantee that Webley will be in someone else's hands (most likely another Fett fananatic

) before you can blink!! Other than this board and the RPF, (and I hate to sound like a broken record with this suggestion)what's been used as the fallback for all too many of us, searching for Fett outfit essentials, you're best locale for finding one of these, from your computer, would be.....eBay.
And if eBay is turning up goose eggs for you, one other hope would be that if you have gun shops in your area, which sell antiques, you might get lucky there, too.
Other than that, one of our board members has done a fantastic job in creating his own metal Webleys for us but I'm not certain if he's still making them. PM me if you would like more infomation, though.