ROTJ EE-33 & Real Webley questions <merged>

Found parts? A Webley & Scott Mark I Model I flare gun is where it all begins. There are a few of them floating around here, but not for sale.
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how much would a webley cost? what are the chances of finding one? and where would someone find one?
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Oooooohh boy, you're talking $1000 at least (if you're lucky)! And I've seen them go for as high as $3000 :eek:! Chances of finding one? IMHO....I think this depends alot on how lucky a person you are, being at the right place at the right time and all. My best advice is if you see one for sale, snatch it up, with whatever you have for money at the time (search for all that loose coinage in the sofa, take out that second mortgage on the house,.....sell a kidney:D), or it's almost a guarantee that Webley will be in someone else's hands (most likely another Fett fananatic ;)) before you can blink!! Other than this board and the RPF, (and I hate to sound like a broken record with this suggestion)what's been used as the fallback for all too many of us, searching for Fett outfit essentials, you're best locale for finding one of these, from your computer, would be.....eBay.
And if eBay is turning up goose eggs for you, one other hope would be that if you have gun shops in your area, which sell antiques, you might get lucky there, too.
Other than that, one of our board members has done a fantastic job in creating his own metal Webleys for us but I'm not certain if he's still making them. PM me if you would like more infomation, though.:)
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Yeah, it took me five and a half years to find one of those babies. Cost me $1300 too. But it was worth it! Within twelve hours of when a friend of mine told me where to find it, it was on my credit card. So definitely, if you find one, buy it now, or you'll likely miss out.
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lol 1000+ is quite a lot for 17 yrs old. I'm saving up to buy myself a car (or four wheels that rotate) so i think i'll be sticking to the scratch built rifle. But thanks a lot for all the info.!!

Retrovertigo...i know a site that has a one. I'll PM you the link. You can ask the guy how he did his.
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Were both the hollow stock and solid stock used in ROTJ?

Hollow stock
<img src=>

Solid stock
<img src=>

I see Ebay sellers claiming that the hollow stock is ROTJ is this correct?
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No, the hollow stock is nowhere to be found in RotJ. The solid stock is definitely what you want for movie accuracy-(Those silly eBayers!):wacko
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As a side note, though, it might be worth mentioning that the hollow stock does allow a bit more accomodation for space when wearing your gauntlets is concerned. I've found that when trooping around for hours on end at conventions, parties, or whatever,..a solid stock, even though being movie accurate, tends to rub and bump your gauntlets a lot more than if you were to carry the hollow one. a hollow stock can alleviate a bit of that constant wear'n'tear on the paint, with that extra room, where your gauntlets can mostly be snug inside that hollow space. In the end, I think one of the main choices between these two different stlyes of the stock is accuracy vs. is more true to the what we see in RotJ, the other is a fan-made interpretation of the blaster, but it looks to provide a higher degree of comfort, especially for long hours of toting your blaster around. Just my two cents worth:)
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I'm not sure about this, but I've heard that the blaster used in ANH-Special Edition, Boba Fett used a hollowed stock blaster, which I've seen the images from the Reference CD, and it's unclear for me if that was true. I'd go for the solid stock blaster for accuracy, as clearly seen in both ESB and ROTJ.

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I don't see any indications of a hollow stock. If I remember correctly, a real Webley was borrowed from a collector and temporarly converted to a blaster for the additional scenes. If that is true, than it would have been a solid wooden stock.



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I went to this Military Antique dealer in my area, and inquired about a Webley (mk.1 no.1). He said he knew a dealer and could probaly get one for $200-300 (canadian) I was grinning like an idiot until he contacted me and informed me that he was thinking of a different Webley, and that the one I want is about $1500. Thanks for psyching me out about a good deal.

Msquared:I guess if you're on a low budget, use a Nintendo Zapper for the handle and build it all up. (or any toy gun will work)It seems kinda cheesy till it's all black, then you add greeblies. I'm doing one just for fun.
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If I remember correctly, Steve Sansweet told me that when they went to shoot the SE pick up scences, they borrowed a Webley. The blasters used at MoM and AoSW were resin copies(obvious from the Ref CD pics). As for where the original blaster from RotJ was (or is), I have no idea. If I ever run into Steve again, I'll ask him. I know that he owns the screen used RotJ jet pack along with several other to-die-for props.
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thanks a lot man, i already built a completel scratch rifle, but I know i can do better than that one. Im gonna make on this summer out of a revolver replica and some metal tubring. Thanks for the input..and yes, everything always looks so cheesy until the final paint coat is done.
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I've been using a toy cowboy gun, some pvc and a store bought scope, so far its cost me about 20 bones. I'm collecting old whiper blades too. I just need to get the little stuff and something for the muzzle. -Derek
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I have a scratch built gun too. I made it back before I had any really good photos of the gun. I think the photos I had were the skiff pic and that really small one from the visual dictionary(which is backwards!). I used the .357 air pistol base, cardboard tube for the barrel, brand new windshield wiper blades(looks really cool), a Tasco scope with the correct flare on both ends, and for the end of the barrel--it was labeled as a double jigger. It's one of the measuring glass things bartenders use--I just cut the bottom off, evened it out and bam! A cool looking end piece for my rifle. I used expanding foam and wood glue for the shape for the part right above the handle. It worked really well. I'll try to get pics out when I get home from here. :)
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A question about the real webley

I've been looking at pics of blaster kits and all of them have the same handle. On the outside is a nice fine grip and on the inside (side that faces ur body if u are right handed) there is no detail at all. I saw some pics of the ROTJ gun and it looked, from what i saw, that the real gun is like that. Is it? Cuz if it is it would make building a scratch built a hell of a lot easier.
I'm 99.9% sure that this is the case. On a real Webley there normally would be a nice, finished brass grip cover with a designed texturing and a diamond shape in the center of the grip, where the screw fits in, and faces the outside. The inside of the handle is plain because what you see (and handle) is the metal bracket that is holding the stock in place. In other words, there is no grip cover on the inside of the handle(like the outside) but, just the stock bracket.
If you're lucky maybe fettcicle will see this thread, and chime in...At last count he had TWO REAL Webleys in his arsenal.:eek: It was awhile ago since he posted pics of those beauties, but I can't imagine he would ever part with them: so he would probably still be our best forum authority on this topic. PMing him wouldn't hurt either:)
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Yep, patterned grip on the right, but the left side grip is just flat metal which serves as a bracket for the shoulder stock.
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