Recomended Glue for Armor?

CA glue, JB weld, hot melt glue, any of those should work... you may want to check TK409's site and see how he did it, I know he had a write up on using snaps
yeah scoring the the two parts to be glued helps tremendously. two smooth surfaces dont stick well. You have to rough them up a bit. Ive used ca glue and jb weld, 5 minute epoxy works great too. my only complaint about jb weld is it takes forever to dry. or was that just me ?
when i've glued snaps onto armor, i've first set the snap into a piece of plastic, then glued the plastic onto the inside of the armor.

it gives a larger surface area for the glue to bond too, which seems to help a lot.

i use either abs cement or goop.
I was wondering if superglue would work. I tend to stick to velcroing armor on.

super glue tends to be brittle. it holds well, but breaks apart fairly easily under stress.

i stick to velcro (hahahaha. get it? stick to velcro?) myself.

i just finished sewing the velcro onto my 5th vest since starting boba. hopefully this will be my last!
i stick to velcro (hahahaha. get it? stick to velcro?) myself.

Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa ... :lol:lol::lol: ... Brian, ya crack me up! That's funny right there!

i just finished sewing the velcro onto my 5th vest since starting boba. hopefully this will be my last!

Dude, whaaat? 5th? I thought it was your 3rd: first bein' your original when ya first started your project, 2nd bein' when ya got a BatNinja, and 3rd bein' this one.
when i've glued snaps onto armor, i've first set the snap into a piece of plastic, then glued the plastic onto the inside of the armor.

it gives a larger surface area for the glue to bond too, which seems to help a lot.

i use either abs cement or goop.

Thats exactly how I did mine. The first time I just glued the snaps directly to the armour. Didn't work very well. With the snaps fixed on the pieces of plastic 1st, then glued to the armour, I've never had one pull loose yet. I used 2 part epoxy...the plastic weld kind available at Walmart. Works like a charm. sets up fairly fast, and bonds very well.
Dude, whaaat? 5th? I thought it was your 3rd: first bein' your original when ya first started your project, 2nd bein' when ya got a BatNinja, and 3rd bein' this one.

The first one I made myself. The second was a skygunbro one, the third was a tk-409, 4th was the batninja large, 5th is the batninja medium.

See, you aren't the only one with a compulsive upgrading problem 'round here ;)

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