"Rebel" Mandalorian?

Is there any reason why it would be impossible to believe that a Mandalore warrior could decide that it was in his best interest to join the Rebel Alliance?

I've been thinking about incorporating the Rebel Alliance logo into the armor somehow.

Here's the rough design I'm working on right now.

I haven't decided yet. I've always found that orange to be kinda 'loud' and not very practical from a "I've crashed on a hostile planet and I have to sit tight and try not to get killed or captured while waiting for extraction" point of view.
Is there any reason why it would be impossible to believe that a Mandalore warrior could decide that it was in his best interest to join the Rebel Alliance?

Generally, Mandalorians sided with the Empire; they assisted in the Jedi Purge. But just because the majority sided with Imperials doesn't mean that all of them did; some could have had Rebel sympathies and joined them. After all, combat was a big thing for Mandos, and what better adversary was there than the Empire?
Fenn Shysa joined the Rebels in the classic marvel comic series though I dont believe he changed his armor.

I'm just thinking of adding a flaming Rebel Alliance logo to a shoulder plate at this point. As for changing armor, my armor is only STARTING at Boba Fett. I'm making serious changes including an 'enviro-pack' backpack with a hose to the helmet, visible leather straps to attach the armor and heavy jumpboots.
im with ya asylum my mando does work for the rebellion, hey its a job n were all just tryin ta make our way in the universe but yeah rebel mandos are a cool idea mines just got his normal paint scheme and every thing, but i like your concept so far ill be watchin this with interest
In SWG, there is some cool looking rebel armor... Maybe you could use the color scheme from these. Also, its not shown in the pic, but they have the logo on the shoulder as well as the chest. The second one down is my personal fave, and with the weathering, its a sure shot for a reb mando. ;)



I don't see any reason why a Mando would work with the Rebels, such as Fenn Shysa previously mentioned. In fact, my Mando's backstory includes interacting with the Rebellion on a frequent basis. A Symbiotic relationship-they had something I wanted (Credits), I had something they wanted (Ships, fighters, and weapons stolen from various places). It was a relationship that worked quite well for both sides...This reminds me that I've been neglecting working on my backstory again...So if you want a rebel Mando, by all means write him right into your own saga...

These images are from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. I just don't know if he is a Mandolorian or a Jedi?



I don't know if this helps, but here you go!
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These images are from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. I just don't know if he is a Mandolorian or a Jedi?



I don't know if this helps, but here you go!

Just down the bottom there, in the left hand corner, the name of the sketch is "jedi general" so i'd say he is a renegade that survived order 66. But he definately has pieces of mando hardware on him, those gauntlets for starters.

As far as mando's go, the very few left by the end of the clone wars would be taking any jobs they thought would get them the most money, they would not be involving themselves in any major political struggles, you jsut have to look at their past to see why they would opt oout of such a fight.

There might be some out there with the veiw point of fett(from the novels) believing that the empire, while corrupt is still the legal ruler of the galaxy, and until such point that changes he will work for them.
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But might it be reasonable to believe that a Mandalorian might find the advantages to having the Imperial military machine busily hunting Rebels. And he might even go so far as to help them now and again. And, after a while, he may be swayed to their way of thinking and instead of just being a gun for hire, he is a true believer.

I think we've seen precedent, with a certain someone named Solo, that people are capable of coming a long way for the right cause.
sorry to drop this bomb but don;t get to attached to this jedi general. i belive (and this is me thinking, not truth) he will be dying in the new star wars game. I forget this name but he is a new jedi general along with shak-ti in the new game were you are vaders aprentice......
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