question about boba dlx visor


New Hunter
Im redoing my jango fett helmet which use to be a 1st gen cast of a dp deluxe. On the visor area, there is a groove, where Im assumming that the original clipped in. Should I dremel it down or should i bondo it and sand it?
the key is to make sure its even, correct?
The DP deluxe Fett did use two semicircle grooves to secure the visor. They later filled in the grooves to cover them up.

Bondo and sand. :)
thanks tyler!
man i bought this helmet prepainted and there is tons wrong with it. i can see the visor grooves just glancing at the helmet. its a shame when you pay extra to have something done right and you come to find out youre better off doing it yourself.
thanks again tyler :)
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