I'd thought the Bounty Hunters out there might like a link to the famous BBC. Over on A good set of blaster plans are over there and techniques for building you some PVC hardware! Not exactly Mandalorian, but a good scratch building prop reference none the less.
Also, check out my site, to see some pics of my Imperial Stormtrooper Blaster made of plywood, PVC pipe fittings, and Bondo.
I'd thought the Bounty Hunters out there might like a link to the famous BBC. Over on A good set of blaster plans are over there and techniques for building you some PVC hardware! Not exactly Mandalorian, but a good scratch building prop reference none the less.
Also, check out my site, to see some pics of my Imperial Stormtrooper Blaster made of plywood, PVC pipe fittings, and Bondo.